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- Schwerpunkt Fahren

v-LN: 9437047, geritten von

Englisches Vollblut
e/e A/a Sty/Sty

Geboren am 21.04.2016
8 Jährig
164 cm Stockmaß

0 Nachkommen
78 Turnierpunkte



  • Privater Züchter

Damit Nessa es sich endlich merkt :

"Consider a social interaction in which you must convince another player to carry out some action. You could beg and plead, promising that you'll be very appreciative if that player relents to your importunations. I suppose that you could call this the expenditure of some sort of social relationship resource, like friendship brownie points."
(Quelle : https://flylib.com/books/en/

Its like an interpersonal kind of karma, or just the idea that "You owe me."

Good Charms xx

Prince Charming xx

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Good Vibrations xx

privates Zuchtpferd

privates Zuchtpferd

Tangled xx

Cap O Chino xx

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privates Zuchtpferd

Tiedye xx

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privates Zuchtpferd

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    Platz Datum Turnier Veranstaltung Ort Reiter
    112. Platz20.11.2024Vollblutstutenschau Runde 1NCC Stolze Stuten 2024 (Vollblut) Nereus Competition CornerAnka Bittermann
    1. Platz04.11.2024Training Green Working Hunter 2'6 - GesamtwertungHunter meets Showjumping Team JamesAnka Bittermann
    1. Platz04.11.2024Training Green Working Hunter 2'6 - Over Fences StakeHunter meets Showjumping Team JamesAnka Bittermann
    2. Platz04.11.2024Training Green Working Hunter 2'6 - Under SaddleHunter meets Showjumping Team JamesAnka Bittermann
    4. Platz04.11.2024Training Green Working Hunter 2'6 - Over FencesHunter meets Showjumping Team JamesAnka Bittermann
    4. Platz03.11.2024Training Green Working Hunter 2'6 - Over Fences StakeNCC Hunters Club III Nereus Competition CornerAnka Bittermann
    4. Platz03.11.2024Training Green Working Hunter 2'6 - Over FencesNCC Hunters Club III Nereus Competition CornerAnka Bittermann
    5. Platz03.11.2024Training Green Working Hunter 2'6 - GesamtwertungNCC Hunters Club III Nereus Competition CornerAnka Bittermann
    9. Platz03.11.2024Training Green Working Hunter 2'6 - Under SaddleNCC Hunters Club III Nereus Competition CornerAnka Bittermann
    4. Platz03.10.2024Training Green Working Hunter 2'6 - Under SaddleNCC Hunters Club II Nereus Competition CornerAnka Bittermann
    6. Platz03.10.2024Stutenschau Schwerpunkt HunterNCC Hunters Club II Nereus Competition CornerAnka Bittermann
    9. Platz03.10.2024Training Green Working Hunter 2'6 - Over FencesNCC Hunters Club II Nereus Competition CornerAnka Bittermann
    9. Platz03.10.2024Training Green Working Hunter 2'6 - GesamtwertungNCC Hunters Club II Nereus Competition CornerAnka Bittermann
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    5. Platz15.09.2024Training Green Working Hunter 2'6What do you need Turnierstall SummerlandAnka Bittermann
    2. Platz06.04.2021 Allowance (1.700m) (xx) 82. Summerland Renncup Turnierstall SummerlandCarina Michel
    1. Platz06.02.2021 Maiden (1.700m) (xx) 80. Summerland Renncup Turnierstall SummerlandCarina Michel
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    5. Platz06.10.2020 Maiden (1.700m) (xx) 76. Summerland Renncup Turnierstall SummerlandCarina Michel
    5. Platz06.10.2020 Maiden (1.700m) (xx) 76. Summerland Renncup Turnierstall SummerlandCarina Michel
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    4. Platz30.07.2020 Douwahell Sieglosensprint MDN 6.5f Gras Rás Gréine Vesland Racing StablesCarina Michel
    4. Platz30.07.2020 Douwahell Sieglosensprint MDN 6.5f Gras Rás Gréine Vesland Racing StablesCarina Michel
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    8. Platz10.05.2020 Almkirchner Sieglosensprint MDN 5f Gras Muttertagsrennen Vesland Racing StablesTracey Graham
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    Anja Mogensen (Moorwiesen, Smaho)

    Wichtiger Hinweis

    Dies ist ein virtueller Reiterhof. Pferde auf den Fotos dienen nur zur Veranschaulichung.
    Alle Informationen sind Teil des Spieles. Übereinstimmungen sind reiner Zufall.

    This is a SIM GAME STABLE. Any given information does not apply to the pictured horses.
    Matches are pure coincidence..