385 |
ID | Nimi | Väri | Rotu | Sukupuoli | Isä | Emä | Nykyinen omistaja |
75307 | Finnoula v-LN: 9964964 |
Rappe | Irish Sport Horse | Stute | Ceallachán | Dairíne | Gestüt Rheinau |
184794 | SCN Finntroll v-LN: 5673357 |
Chestnut | Gotland pony | Hengst | Troll | Lojstaheds Silvia | Stuteri Ce'Nedra |
206044 | Finola RS v-LN: 7106694 |
Bay | Irish Sport Horse | Stute | Fingal Maon | AboutToKill | Kiyo Performance Horses |
118032 | Finola JAM v-LN: 7782367 |
Rappschecke | Irish Tinker | Stute | Finnegan | Glenna | Team James |
160834 | Finora Via v-LN: 7216465 |
Palomino | German Warmblood | Hengst | Mascarpone | Alexandria | Starfire Inc |
116185 | U Finta v-LN: 3435870 |
Red Roan | Welara Pony | Stute | Mossig | Fiona | privater Halter |
12410 | Fintan v-LN: 3546317 |
Palomino | Dutch Harness Horse | Wallach | Dachs | Antje | Cajun Cross Ranch |
91556 | Evergreens Fintan v-LN: 8007419 |
Schimmel | Connemara | Hengst | Fantasy Man | Ice Queen | Castle Keep Stables |
192598 | Klees Finticia v-LN: 2081503 |
unbekannt | Haflinger | Stute | Lace | Felicitas | Ponyzucht Kleemann |
206739 | Fio Flavour Z v-LN: 9777785 |
Braun | Zangersheide | Hengst | Flavigny | Landtraum | Sportpferde Chúille |
13606 | Fiodora Dw v-LN: 4127796 |
Brauner | Westfale | Stute | First-Grade | Corvilia | Hohenstein |
203345 | WB Fiona v-LN: 4559324 |
Bay | Egyptian Arabian | Stute | Thee Infidel | Al Adeed Al Shaqab | Starfire Inc |
165357 | Rbs Fiona v-LN: 5683105 |
Schimmel | Vesländer | Stute | Firefalcon | Island Chic | Sportzentrum Redbird |
10890 | Fiona v-LN: 1317804 |
Schimmel | Connemara | Stute | Finnard | Cascade | Ponyzucht Smaho |
99457 | U Fiona v-LN: 2023823 |
Red Roan | Welsh Mountain Pony | Stute | Stendyssens Banlo | Crossways Fergie | Utsikten |
86290 | Fiona v-LN: 627183 |
Fuchs | Shetlandpony | Stute | Fritzchen | Lotte | Die Haltergemeinschaft |
60564 | Fiona MW v-LN: 1023154 |
Schimmel | Lipizzaner | Stute | Pluto Concordia | Fiorella | Sporthorses Thompson |
7795 | Fiona v-LN: 1895141 |
Fuchs | Hannoveraner | Stute | Golíat | Florena | privater Halter |
1311 | Fiona Bin Ahad ox v-LN: 7837709 |
Rappe | Vollblutaraber | Stute | Ahad Ibn Scha Ze Man ox | Quibriya ox | privater Halter |
185653 | Fiona McCool J v-LN: 5526552 |
Braun | Connemara | Stute | Finn McCool | Mallow | Reitverein Erlengrund |
203571 | Fiona Rose v-LN: 6955487 |
Rappschecke | Tinker | Stute | Shamus | Eilis | Privatstall Ginelli |
15830 | Fiona Sinann RS v-LN: 7375355 |
Braunschecke | Vesländer | Stute | Fairy Tale Landing | Neve | Maple Hill Equestrian |
16544 | Fionas Dream v-LN: 7247435 |
Brauner | Welsh Cob | Stute | Dreamer | Fiona | Reitstall Elwen |
22382 | Fionata MW v-LN: 8974972 |
Schimmel | Lipizzaner | Stute | Neapolitano Sanvoiya | Fiorella | Sternhof |
16474 | Fioncé FW v-LN: 8938192 |
Lichtfuchs | Haflinger | Stute | Kelvin | Felincia | Hofer Stables |
22304 | PS Fionella v-LN: 4904075 |
Schimmel | Connemara | Stute | Commodore | Fiona | Gestüt Johannsen |
112583 | Fionn v-LN: 1257351 |
Grey | Connemara | Stute | A Centerfolds Dream | Senka | Starfire Inc |
171221 | Gins Fionnghuala v-LN: 2435311 |
Rappschecke | Tinker | Stute | Contarf | Flòraidh | Privatstall Ginelli |
70354 | NRC Fionnoula v-LN: 2991901 |
Schwarzbrauner | Irish Sport Horse | Stute | Flinn Hodgkin | Lost in the Moment | Nereus Riding Center |
203755 | Fionnuisce v-LN: 4536109 |
Rappe | Connemara | Hengst | Fáilte | Ceol | Gestüt Möhrental |
207470 | Fiora Belle v-LN: 359784 |
Rappe | Trakehner | Stute | Arctic Valor | Florabella | Akazienhof |
187756 | Fiorano v-LN: 9706195 |
Bay | Hanoverian | Hengst | virtuelles Zuchtpferd | virtuelles Zuchtpferd | Asgard Sporthorses |
98183 | Klees Fiorella v-LN: 7228928 |
unbekannt | Haflinger | Stute | Liberty Valance | Fenia | Akazienhof |
102973 | Fiorella v-LN: 8900062 |
Chestnut | Haflginer | Stute | Balis | Fräulein | Cajun Cross Ranch |
15622 | Fiorella v-LN: 5503715 |
Schimmel | Lipizzaner | Stute | Regalo Con Talento A | Princess Day | Großherzogliche Reitakademie Ilbesbergen |
62448 | EI Fiorella xx v-LN: 8126092 |
Brauner | Englisches Vollblut | Stute | AWF Dying To Dance | Florianna | Sportpferde Winter |
62564 | Fiorentina Sw v-LN: 2533064 |
unbekannt | Anglo-Arabisches Vollblut | Stute | Amon Lhaw | Fiorella xx | Sportpferde Winter |
86418 | Fiorenzo v-LN: 2128934 |
Rappe | Vesländer | Hengst | Florentano | La Fleur | Gestüt Möhrental |
67113 | EA Fíorfhírinne v-LN: 1870518 |
Brauner | Irish Sport Horse | Stute | Convey The Truth | Isleen Keeva | Sternhof |
20717 | Fiorino B v-LN: 2787660 |
Dunkelfuchs | Westfale | Hengst | Feel it in your Heart | Kaiserin | Zuchtstall Meiningen |
2710 | Fiorins Candelight B v-LN: 847603 |
Rappe | British Riding Pony | Stute | Caspar | Flirt with me | privater Halter |
15699 | Fire and Ice RS v-LN: 4274617 |
Schimmel | Irish Sport Horse | Hengst | Frostfang | Shenandoah Cruise | Rising Sun Stables |
204748 | Fire Blossom LW v-LN: 9462972 |
Fuchs | Vesländer Reitpony | Stute | Canterbury | Fineena Hiolair | Ponyzucht Beaumont |
160862 | Fire Dusty Ice v-LN: 5647340 |
Sorrel | Quarter Horse | Wallach | Doc Bay Lena | Bright Lynx | Starfire Inc |
12191 | Fire Enough IR v-LN: 305416 |
Fuchs | Schwedisches Warmblut | Stute | Good Enough | Emerald Dream | privater Halter |
1339 | SnS Fire Fighter v-LN: 5370328 |
Sooty Buckskin | Quarter Horse | Hengst | Gunfire | Skipit Out | DS Lindenhof |
17868 | Ginellis Fire From Heaven v-LN: 7622653 |
Braun | Vesländer | Stute | From Dusk to Dawn | Blanca Lucia | Whispering Hollow Stud |
48320 | Fire Glow v-LN: 6601719 |
Fuchs | Zweibrücker | Wallach | Sir Oldenburg | Greta Garbo | Casey Crannach |
61329 | Fire Hazard v-LN: 3880099 |
Fuchs | Hannoveraner | Hengst | Tempo | Ahwa | Haven Sporthorses |
49816 | Fire in Spring C v-LN: 7057699 |
Fuchsschecke | Deutsches Reitpony | Stute | DPWs Chico Leo | Soulstorm | privater Halter |
385 |