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All horses

There are 57483 horses, spread over 1150 pages.
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Oh! By the way: you can sort the list by clicking on the headlines in the table. For example sort them by color or owner.
ID Name Color Breed Gender Sire Dam Owner
3379 Special Luck
v-LN: 6738308
Buckskin Quarter Horse Stute Jokers Enterprise Hollywoods Special Lady privater Halter
201683 Special Manor Punch CKS
v-LN: 9400129
Black Welsh Pony Section D Stute Manor Special Phantom ETM Bacardi Punch Thriftwood Ranch
171879 GOs Special N Gentle
v-LN: 7209508
Palomino Tobiano Paint Horse Hengst Cash N Flying Dream Special Girl Green Oak Stables
160661 Special One
v-LN: 1706747
Dunkelfuchs Sabino Vesländer Reitpony Hengst Special Deluxe All In Rising Sun Stables
167187 Special Princess
v-LN: 6015972
Palomino Overo Paint Horse Stute Special Buddy Snatched Princess Hofer Stables
116354 Special Pumpkin
v-LN: 1424613
unbekannt Quarter Horse Hengst Six Feet Under the Wind Skippolena Wolf Creek Ranch
159371 Special Quest xx
v-LN: 1163101
Brauner Englisches Vollblut Stute Freedom Special Girl Maple Hill Equestrian
48727 SBS Special Smaragd xx
v-LN: 4734586
Schimmel Englisches Vollblut Wallach Furious Peak xx Special Time xx Akazienhof
79954 SHT Special Sordino xx
v-LN: 2956895
Dunkelbrauner Englisches Vollblut Hengst Jet Black xx Special Time xx Sporthorses Thompson
102744 SE Special Style
v-LN: 2258207
Grullo Quarter Horse Stute Special Little Gembo Style By Chocolate Nereus Riding Center
155887 GNs Special Sunset
v-LN: 941607
Palomino Tobiano Quarter Horse Hengst Sunset Chillout Shiver Leaf Gestüt Nereus
4583 Special Time xx
v-LN: 3445140
Brauner Englisches Vollblut Stute Twilight Time xx Speciosa xx Sporthorses Thompson
151497 SHT Special Touch xx
v-LN: 5469634
Brauner Englisches Vollblut Stute Matrix xx Special Time xx Sporthorses Thompson
1469 Special Unicorn
v-LN: 1052773
Schimmel Hannoveraner Stute Special Star Sleepless Gemeinschaft TDLWS
178841 Special Victory xx
v-LN: 1570633
Dunkelbraun Englisches Vollblut Hengst Lightning Strike Swift Serenade Reitschule Cederberg
189334 SHT Special Vintage xx
v-LN: 7950798
Brauner Englisches Vollblut Stute Nash xx Special Time xx Sporthorses Thompson
983 Special Z Smokin
v-LN: 599261
Bay Tobiano Paint Horse Stute Skip N Cash Gun Special Luck Gemeinschaft TDLWS
160612 Specialis Revelio
v-LN: 4717622
Rappe Vesländer Stute Kaepernicking Sornatia Medullina Sporthorses Thompson
164557 Specialist M
v-LN: 9090355
Brauner Hannoveraner Hengst DCs Saphir C'est la Vie Reitverein Eichenau
197563 C Specktackle
v-LN: 7111284
Bay Tobiano Rheinland Pfalz Saar Hengst Specktacular Lyrichal Cajun Cross Ranch
99035 Specktacular
v-LN: 6582164
Bay Tobiano Rheinland Pfalz Saar Hengst Spectrum Haute Couture privater Halter
103232 S Spectacular Rating
v-LN: 793266
Gray Anglo Arabian Hengst Exchange Rate Wink AndA Smile Cajun Cross Ranch
106989 Spectra LH
v-LN: 680510
Palomino Vesländer Reitpony Stute Golden Jamee Summer Wind Fürstenwalde
169280 EH Spectral Vision
v-LN: 9392834
Chestnut Tobiano Irish Sport Horse Hengst HPS Ghostly Moor Eagle Eyes Starfire Inc
11506 EH Spectral Vision
v-LN: 6221296
unbekannt unbekannt Wallach virtuelles Zuchtpferd virtuelles Zuchtpferd privater Halter
160188 U Spectrofobi
v-LN: 3817487
Smoky Black Welsh Partbred Wallach Ickle Duddykins Skojaru Eller Utsikten
104856 S Speculashun
v-LN: 863871
Bay Arabian Warmblood Stute S Basim Sabriel Cajun Cross Ranch
151458 TASS Spedee Gonsales
v-LN: 7150856
Palomino Swedish Riding Pony Hengst USA Uran Hey, I Just sad That Tass
81476 Speechless
v-LN: 9873897
Dunkelbraun Französischer Traber Hengst Speakvariations Domia Ina Fahrstall Miracles
68610 Speed Conscience OK
v-LN: 195339
Solid Palomino Appaloosa Hengst Skipper Speed for Money Freckles Conscience Oakfield Ranch
12679 S Speed Dating
v-LN: 8249628
Chestnut American Saddlebred Hengst Liquidation Dating Game Cajun Cross Ranch
928 Speed for Victory GN
v-LN: 881297
Braun KWPN Stute Vertigo Rising Suns Speed for Freedom privater Halter
165972 Speed of Lill
v-LN: 8377443
Bay Standardbred Hengst Talang Tabback Havanna Tabback Unknown
9109 GNs Speed of Love M
v-LN: 7170963
Chestnut Quarter Horse Hengst Tuckers Speed of Sound Sweet Candy Girl RZz Memorio
50930 Speed of Soul OK
v-LN: 27339
Chestnut Spotted Blanket Appaloosa Hengst Speed Conscience Soul Shuffle Oakfield Ranch
17555 Speed of Sound xx
v-LN: 5384267
Schimmel englisches Vollblut Stute Soundmaster xx Sub Zero xx Fusion Racehorses
106288 Speed Wind xx
v-LN: 6879443
Dunkelbraun Englisches Vollblut Hengst Moody Blue xx Speed Choice xx Fahrstall Miracles
167834 EA Speed-Oh
v-LN: 1346205
Braunvolltiger Vesländer Hengst Speedwell Oh My Sternhof
184682 Speedbound Sands
v-LN: 6722210
bay Thoroughbred Hengst Spellbound Finally Fast Síoraí Acres
98613 GOs Speeds Dynamic Breeze
v-LN: 253510
Palomino Roan Quarter Horse Stute Storm Of Speed Pistol Style Green Oak Stables
1337 SpeedThang
v-LN: 9566460
Black Quarter Horse Hengst Speeding Bullet SweetThang DS Lindenhof
3469 Speedwell GN
v-LN: 7797482
Brauner Oldenburger Hengst So What Vilarys Dollargirl DS Lindenhof
2591 Speedy Gonzales
v-LN: 5198917
Palomino Welsh Pony B Hengst Samarant virtuelles Zuchtpferd privater Halter
151236 Einhärjar Speedy Gonzales
v-LN: 4478253
Dark Bay Standardbred Hengst Hamilton Vinterhed Fanta Sunlight Stall Viktig
104059 U Spektakel
v-LN: 7056697
Black Swedish Warmblood Stute Cyrus Farce Sweet Joy Sandåker Gård
198455 S Spela
v-LN: 3388381
Chestnut Keystone Warmblood Stute Shesha Seraya Cajun Cross Ranch
62867 Spele Eld
v-LN: 4967609
Bay Pangare Shetland Pony Stute Aladin Birling Spellbound Eldritch Farm
622 KS Spell Chaser
v-LN: 6460188
Bay Blanket Appaloosa Stute Storm Chaser KS Necromancer Westveil Estate
56180 Spell Me A Wish SVH
v-LN: 1686383
Fuchs Schwedisches Warmblut Stute Ekbladets Speed Of Sound Mississippi Girl Stall Vida Horisont
92827 Spellbound WF
v-LN: 8200023
Rappe Friese Stute Wiccan Wynd White Oleander Farm

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