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All horses

There are 57500 horses, spread over 1150 pages.
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ID Name Color Breed Gender Sire Dam Owner
152388 Sharp Dressed Man
v-LN: 8087715
Bay Thoroughbred Hengst Showcasing Covid-19 Videbäck
2659 Sharp N Shiny
v-LN: 8295106
Schimmel Irish Sport Horse Stute Formula Once Rincoola Abu Sportpferde Winter
166720 BQ Sharp One
v-LN: 8635230
Brindle Bay Quarter Horse Stute Force One Sonnys Coppertone Thriftwood Ranch
4098 Shasta Fantasy
v-LN: 637060
Leopard Appaloosa Hengst Fantasy Life Shazz Up Hofer Stables
151819 Klees Shatansbraten
v-LN: 6227710
Lichtfuchs Haflinger Hengst Shamino Maurischa Ponyzucht Kleemann
115486 KING Shattenjäger
v-LN: 5040792
Chestnut Thoroughbred Hengst Too Much Bling Golden Dayjur Wayton Sporthorses
156094 Shatterbone
v-LN: 3287807
Grey Swedish Warmblood Hengst Svartbäcks Armagnac Lovisedals Mew Stall Lovisedal
3728 U Shattered
v-LN: 1951064
Bay Swedish Warmblood Stute Corrano Tourniquet Utsikten
117908 Shattered Dream RS
v-LN: 7979023
Braun Trakehner Stute Prince of Persia Scherbenregen Sportzentrum Redbird
112017 Shattered Dreams
v-LN: 2906714
Cremello Welsh Pony Stute Eyarth Beau Geste Wedderlie Marianne Starfire Inc
163210 Shausha RS
v-LN: 8731775
Rappschecke Trakehner Stute Prince of Persia Scherbenregen Rueth Acres
100310 Shavallino J
v-LN: 1606224
Brauner Vesländer Hengst Shavaluke Destina DS Lindenhof
8991 Shavaluke
v-LN: 3493406
Dunkelbraun Trakehner Hengst Poseidon II Shavena Gestüt Johannsen
55965 Shavinia SHJ
v-LN: 9235984
Dunkelbraun Westfale Stute Shavaluke Cash for Gold Kailua Events
163539 Shavino JAM
v-LN: 91887
Schimmel Vesländer Hengst Shavaluke Dorinka Team James
95010 Shawna ZM
v-LN: 4807510
unbekannt unbekannt Stute Rappidos Kiss Sharina privater Halter
91937 USA Shawnee
v-LN: 8425884
Schimmel Connemara Stute Sphinx of Giza Istoriah La Bree DS Lindenhof
101 Kleemanns Shawnee SD
v-LN: 5561122
Brauner Hannoveraner Wallach Superheld WS Elfenspiegel Sternhof
82133 Shawnie
v-LN: 7919868
Black Sabino Rabicano Egyptian Arabian Stute Aswad Shahwan BWA Sha Latif Kaimel Stable
54604 Shawshank xx
v-LN: 7438756
Schimmel Englisches Vollblut Hengst Heart Beat xx SharkAttack xx Sporthorses Thompson
64214 Shay Tuam
v-LN: 7080112
Brauner Arabisches Vollblut Hengst Sayed ox Faible ox Sandtime Racehorses
195635 Kleins Shayan
v-LN: 8678819
Schimmel Vesländer Reitpony Hengst Sharif ox Wild Bubblegum Berrie Gestüt Johannsen
20678 Coopers Shayanna ZM
v-LN: 6958691
Brauner Trakehner Stute Matador Pearcy Sacred Heart Zuchtstall Meiningen
12733 Smedhults Shayda
v-LN: 4143844
unbekannt Anglo-arabian Stute Gullvivans Story II Smedhults Midnight Success privater Halter
159090 Shaykha
v-LN: 6771354
Grey Arabian Stute Dahess Queen Anne Starfire Inc
16150 Shaykhah Shahra
v-LN: 487764
Schimmel Shagya Araber Stute Chatham Bint Shaykhah Arabica Tears of the Sun
42631 Shaylee J
v-LN: 4732092
Schimmel Connemara Stute Shana Merry Legs Castletown Keys Akazienhof
109948 Klees Shaylee Douwahell
v-LN: 9784147
Brauner Irish Sport Horse Stute Saighdiúir Conan Shaylee Florence Ponyzucht Kleemann
62464 Shaylee Florence Sw
v-LN: 2367082
Schimmel Irish Sport Horse Stute Underdog Sharp N Shiny Ponyzucht Kleemann
65380 Shaylee Kayleigh
v-LN: 7601245
Fuchssabino Irish Sport Horse Stute Siaghal Eachan Tierney Reitschule Cederberg
180630 Shaytan
v-LN: 4963850
Schimmel Caymaro Mustang Hengst Shayhar Kesima Hofer Stables
53412 Shazadi
v-LN: 2589050
Cremello Achal Tekkiner Stute Saleem Hazine Die Haltergemeinschaft
168182 Shazam FW
v-LN: 3907208
Dunkelfuchs Vesländer Hengst Star Appeal Effy Rising Sun Stables
207728 Shazia ox
v-LN: 2231343
Fuchs Vollblutaraber Stute Qadeer ox Thiraya ox Sporthorses Thompson
4763 S She Bangs
v-LN: 9421876
Brauner Irish Sport Horse Stute Mounlinsart Mango She Devil Sternhof
90674 She Devil
v-LN: 4508672
Schimmel Irish Sport Horse Stute Grey Macha Slickette Sternhof
163351 She doesnt mind xx MH
v-LN: 558310
Braun Englisches Vollblut Stute Golden Eye Sanora Rennstall Kirschenbaum
71097 GFS She Likes To Party
v-LN: 733247
Dunkelfuchssabino Irish Sport Horse Stute All About You Shea Teague Maple Hill Equestrian
50485 She moves in her own way FJG
v-LN: 8188624
Fuchs Trakehner Stute Johannsen's Liberty of the Valley Sky of London Privatstall Austen
182752 S She Whiz Scary
v-LN: 886702
Dun Tobiano Paint Horse Stute The Scarecrow Whiz It Foxy Nereus Riding Center
17092 She Wolf
v-LN: 7015551
Fuchs Hannoveraner Stute Rammstein All of Me Rising Sun Stables
92635 TQ She's A Bit Co-Co
v-LN: 4448104
Palomino Tobiano Paint Horse Stute Sweet Major Co-Co CCR She Be Fancy Tanniques
193657 SCN She's A Freak
v-LN: 7873999
Grey SWB Stute Wisdom is Therapy She's All That Stuteri Ce'Nedra
21587 She's a graceful dancer
v-LN: 4131315
Brauner Quarter Horse Stute Doc Shadow Dancer Graceful Peppy Pickens Die Haltergemeinschaft
183222 SCN She's A Maniac
v-LN: 6668479
Grey (bay) Swedish Warmblood Stute Bright Magic She's All That Wizzla
2293 She's A Rebel xx
v-LN: 5804935
Rappe Englisches Vollblut Stute Rebellion xx Her Promise xx privater Halter
112024 She's A Rocket
v-LN: 1693733
Bay Thoroughbred Stute Crafty Prospector Padlin Madlin Starfire Inc
116341 She's All That
v-LN: 7938261
Grey Swedish Warmblood Stute Take it easy Sotad Stuteri Ce'Nedra
78615 She's Clueless
v-LN: 3627615
Fuchs Sabino Westfale Stute Soldier Play Cluedo Haven Sporthorses
70232 Shea Teague
v-LN: 7007628
Fuchs Sabino Irish Sport Horse Stute Sheelfly for Gold Teacher Drama Maple Hill Equestrian

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