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All horses

There are 57561 horses, spread over 1152 pages.
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Oh! By the way: you can sort the list by clicking on the headlines in the table. For example sort them by color or owner.
ID Name Color Breed Gender Sire Dam Owner
99708 S Pretty Boy Floyd
v-LN: 6091539
Chestnut Welsh B Pony Hengst Notoriety Cantelope Cajun Cross Ranch
83754 Pretty Capable
v-LN: 642285
Brauner Englisches Vollblut Hengst Maybe So Maybe not Petite Grenouille Gestüt Rheinau
87604 Pretty Chastised
v-LN: 3553284
Brauner Britisches Warmblut Stute Perfection In Detail Chanel 43 Springpferde Moorwiesen
4035 Pretty Dollar Girl
v-LN: 9277535
Bay Dun Quarter Horse Stute Pretty Narcuto Dollarshinin Chic privater Halter
69107 Pretty Girl
v-LN: 3124198
Rappe Mustang Stute Pretty Boy Amiga Sandtime Farm
20709 Coopers Pretty Girl LW
v-LN: 5891073
Braunschecke Westfale Stute Pilgrim Devotion Team James
2907 Fls Pretty Girl RA
v-LN: 2119126
Braun Hannoveraner Stute Pokerboy FR Black Rose privater Halter
164609 Pretty In Aquamarine AWB
v-LN: 4154294
unbekannt British Warmblood Stute Sir Artedy Pretty In Pink Anarchie
164608 Pretty In Pink
v-LN: 3038892
unbekannt Finnish Warmblood Stute No Man's Land Pink Is New Black Anarchie
170909 Pretty in Pink AZ
v-LN: 2417768
Black Roan Vesländer Reitpony Stute Oreado Prior Miss Akazienhof
185545 Klees Pretty in Pink
v-LN: 2819279
Buckskin Vesländer Reitpony Stute Papageno Rb´s Pineapple Ponyzucht Kleemann
196283 Pretty Jokes OK
v-LN: 4750935
Solid Smoky Black Paint Horse Hengst Jokers Apprentice Paint Me Pretty Oakfield Ranch
181654 Pretty Lil Princess
v-LN: 4209369
unbekannt American Walking Pony Stute virtuelles Zuchtpferd virtuelles Zuchtpferd Anarchie
191325 Pretty Little Liar
v-LN: 6299985
Black Thoroughbred Stute Curiousity Spiletta Stuteri Ce'Nedra
168802 BQ Pretty Much Dun
v-LN: 217899
Bay Dun Overo Paint Stute Hollywood Dun It Pretty Pistol Starfire Inc
205942 NRC Pretty Much Jokin
v-LN: 2136256
Buckskin Tobiano Paint Horse Stute Isle Play a Joke Peppymint Pretty Rueath Acres
4033 Pretty Narcuto
v-LN: 4737475
Bay Dun Quarter Horse Hengst virtuelles Zuchtpferd virtuelles Zuchtpferd privater Halter
11788 Pretty Outrageousss
v-LN: 2200090
Bay Crabbet Arabian Hengst Outrageousss Incredible Cajun Cross Ranch
2251 Pretty Penny
v-LN: 659862
Brauner Englisches Vollblut Stute Roman Ruler Faboulosity Rising Sun Stables
49919 Cherokees Pretty Perfection
v-LN: 9179580
Fuchs Deutsches Reitpony Wallach Pajero Fire in Spring Deckstation Sarinental
181939 Pretty Petty Queen
v-LN: 2269983
unbekannt American Walking Pony Stute Petty King Pretty Lil Princess Anarchie
3465 Pretty Pleasure S
v-LN: 5991682
Palomino Deutsches Reitpony Stute virtuelles Zuchtpferd virtuelles Zuchtpferd Gut Leprechaun
188082 Pretty Pleine vd Aue
v-LN: 2664466
Braun Belgisches Warmblut Stute Into Twilight Karisma Sportpferde Chúille
45058 AM Pretty Pyro
v-LN: 528700
Fuchs Vesländer Wallach Pretty Boy Pirete Sportpferde Chúille
2520 Pretty Shocked RA
v-LN: 368503
Fuchs Trakehner Stute Pure Pleasure xx Hot Hot Summer Gestüt Rheinau
150981 TQ Pretty White Boy
v-LN: 4917113
Cremello Quarter Horse Hengst AH Pretty Boy Disco Mover privater Halter
51430 Pretty Woman
v-LN: 1466017
Brauner Oldenburger Stute Polarstern X Zita Hengststation Bolero
50570 Pretty Woman
v-LN: 6095996
Fuchs Mecklenburger Stute Pazifiko Ma Petite SP Rothe
114955 NDC Pretty Woman
v-LN: 1714915
Chestnut Swedish Warmblood Stute Felix Keep It NDC
6335 Pretty Woman
v-LN: 9496297
Rappe Württemberger Stute virtuelles Zuchtpferd virtuelles Zuchtpferd privater Halter
92775 Pretty Woman
v-LN: 3211215
Schimmel Württemberger Stute Pilatus Athene Die Haltergemeinschaft
98471 Meinings Pretty Woman
v-LN: 1898084
unbekannt unbekannt Stute Sir Henry III. virtuelles Zuchtpferd privater Halter
170454 Pretty Woman Bijuox
v-LN: 1263926
Grey Swedish Riding Pony Stute Alone Road Utsiktens Sparkling Grey Wizzla
3104 Pretty Woman SK ZM
v-LN: 5779049
Fuchs Oldenburger Stute Priamos Fjury Eternity privater Halter
164445 Snöflingans Pretzel
v-LN: 784264
Palomino Welsh Cob Hengst Phoenix Nynaeve Snöflingan
92927 Preyer
v-LN: 3176305
Fuchs Westfale Stute virtuelles Zuchtpferd virtuelles Zuchtpferd Vollmond Elite
118029 Preziosa JAM
v-LN: 2238043
Fuchs Holsteiner Stute Falmarin SBS Charming Coradina Fahrstall Miracles
73572 Eponas Priam Salute
v-LN: 8458389
Fuchs Westfale Stute Pikaro Agyness Nereus Riding Center
64165 Priamos SF
v-LN: 5785229
Brauner Arabisches Vollblut Wallach Final Countdown ox Elham Hofer Stables
106282 GNs Priamos Dw
v-LN: 960774
Fuchs Oldenburger Hengst Pinot Grigio Cover Girl Mondburg
5714 Priamos Rb
v-LN: 3557517
Palomino Vesländisches Reitpony Hengst Pearcy Perfekt Wonder Woman Sportzentrum Redbird
98969 Klees Pricca
v-LN: 512264
Brauner Welsh B Stute Prince of Faith Jane Rising Sun Stables
11680 S Priceless Moment
v-LN: 1363739
Black Morab Stute S True Dhestiny Kodac Moment Cajun Cross Ranch
79857 Priceless Wine
v-LN: 2106196
Brauner Vesländer Stute Priceless Stallion Out of Time Sporthorses Thompson
181742 Pricilla Mead
v-LN: 1388630
Dunkelbrauner Belgisches Warmblut Stute Pinturischio Jamaica Merri Group
103576 Prickly Poppy
v-LN: 7616563
Brauner Vesländer Reitpony Stute Too Cool For School Polly Pocket Sternhof
7925 Boromes Pride
v-LN: 6450785
Rappe Hannoveraner Hengst Pride Life Mulaika privater Halter
12610 Pride And Fortune
v-LN: 6288751
Chestnut American Saddlebred Hengst Buchnen Pride Fortunate Cajun Cross Ranch
188762 TQ Pride And Joy
v-LN: 8355308
Buckskin Quarter Horse Hengst Hydrobit Pocono Whiz Utsikten
1514 Pride And Prejudice
v-LN: 5187694
unbekannt unbekannt Wallach virtuelles Zuchtpferd virtuelles Zuchtpferd privater Halter

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