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All horses

There are 57649 horses, spread over 1153 pages.
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Oh! By the way: you can sort the list by clicking on the headlines in the table. For example sort them by color or owner.
ID Name Color Breed Gender Sire Dam Owner
163187 Miray AA
v-LN: 8860062
Fuchs Anglo-Araber Stute Fouzan AA Malinia AA Reitschule Cederberg
137463 WST Miraya
v-LN: 5194104
Grey Crabbet Arabian Stute Ghaldu Miriam Westonia
69997 Mireia HS
v-LN: 840705
Brauner PRE Stute Macareno Majestic Hofer Stables
176419 Mireia SF
v-LN: 8890687
Bay Pura Raza Española Stute Caballos Machio S Abella Starfire Inc
170067 KF Mireille
v-LN: 9237875
Chestnut Selle Francais Stute Thief of Hearts AES Aimée Starfire Inc
106119 Mireille de Riard
v-LN: 5709712
Schimmel Camargue Pferd Stute Firmin Cyrielle Ribaneiro
164131 Mirelinn af Höstnäs
v-LN: 7481359
dark bay leopard knabstrup Stute Espadin Miralia Höstnäs Knabstruppers
69998 Mirella HS
v-LN: 8879332
Lichtfuchs Edelbluthaflinger Stute Fantastical Lifetime Malina Hofer Stables
162893 Mireya-Chi
v-LN: 1238873
Bay Oldenburg Stute Gatsby Miramichi Starfire Inc
163101 Mirfak Eld
v-LN: 3632006
Chestnut SW Kallblodstravare Wallach M.P.Mega Star Bonnevie Eldritch Farm
97164 PS Miriel
v-LN: 4907609
Fuchs Welsh B Stute Myrllysg Ithel Sapphira Rising Sun Stables
60358 Mirja
v-LN: 7379688
Fuchs Finnpferd Stute Pekko Mirjami Gutshof Erlengrund
176423 Mirjam RA
v-LN: 9888173
Bay Bavarian Warmblood Stute Rheinaus Nussknacker Kiri Java Starfire Inc
188853 Mirjam
v-LN: 9409265
Black Tobiano Barock Pinto Stute Alexander the Great Maurice Stuteri Vargtass
3015 Mirko
v-LN: 1750249
Fuchs Schwarzwälder Fuchs Hengst Figaro Miss Teddy Deckstation Golden Nugget
5057 Miro
v-LN: 3293983
Palomino Welsh A Hengst Mirior Lucy privater Halter
53945 SM Mirona
v-LN: 9164419
unbekannt Arabian horse Stute Medalj Amanta privater Halter
153388 Mirriam
v-LN: 9056610
Bay Shetland Pony Stute Mustang Cherie Björkbacka Gård
116576 U Mirriam
v-LN: 1200703
Bay Welsh Mountain Pony Stute Yale Miss Kitty Utsikten
11781 LI Mirror Mirror
v-LN: 3487808
Gray Sabino Crabbet Arabian Stute Magick Gadget AM Reflection Cajun Cross Ranch
42043 Mirror Of Silence
v-LN: 3104597
Brauner Holsteiner Stute Mirrors Looking to Me Silence at Night Gestüt Nereus
191610 SCN Mirrors Edge
v-LN: 5032015
Black SWB Stute Highlander Petit Fleur Stuteri Ce'Nedra
51187 Mirrow Girl RS
v-LN: 2148839
Brauner Englisches Vollblut Stute Devant le Danger Magnum Opus DS Lindenhof
202586 SCN Mirtai
v-LN: 2161104
Bay Welsh Cob Stute Dyfnallt-y-coed Oak Spirited Away Stall Viktig
184008 Misae
v-LN: 6453318
palomino Quarter Stute Alo Weayaya Niyol Quahneah Anarchie
9682 Misanchera B
v-LN: 6568666
dark Bay PRE Stute Crias Hranchero XI Miscellaneous Moment RZz Memorio
178261 Misbehaved EF
v-LN: 910889
Bay Tobiano Trakehner Stute Buckin To Victory Marlis Cajun Cross Ranch
6460 Miscellaneous Moment
v-LN: 848230
Schimmel P.R.E. Stute Dominigin Esperanza XXXVIII RZz Memorio
72596 LBR Miscellaneous xx
v-LN: 1626384
Rappe Englisches Vollblut Stute Golden Samurai xx Majas Love xx Rennstall Hurtig
93758 Magics Mischevious
v-LN: 8699681
Brown Trakehner Wallach Get Ur Freak On KL Magic Miss Serenity Wizzla
62389 Mischief Annie
v-LN: 4148710
Brauner Englisches Vollblut Stute virtuelles Zuchtpferd virtuelles Zuchtpferd Thriftwood Ranch
78359 Mischief Mafia Sw
v-LN: 4525629
Braunsabino Irish Sport Horse Hengst Gossip Mafia Kiss me again Irishman Sportpferde Winter
70931 Mischief Managed
v-LN: 3395633
Grey Hanoverian Stute Modecai Lomus USA
6546 Mischief Managed xx
v-LN: 1217892
Dunkelbraun Englisches Vollblut Stute Nature Calling xx She-Marauder xx Sternhof
211634 WST Mischief Miss
v-LN: 8791646
Bay Tobiano Half-Arabian Stute Show Me Your Cash Dariah El Moonah ox Westonia
96472 TQ Miserable As Hell
v-LN: 313488
Palomino Thoroughbred Stute Miserable Truth Highway To Hell Tanniques
12133 WFF Miserable Truth
v-LN: 6233696
Palomino Englisches Vollblut Hengst Convey The Truth Miserys Company Rueth Acres
181566 TQ Misères de la Guerre
v-LN: 915871
Buckskin Thoroughbred Stute Phoenix the Warrior Miserable As Hell Tanniques
164141 Utsiktens Misery
v-LN: 4659843
Black Swedish Warmblood Stute Word Up Utsiktens Gethsemane Utsikten
12132 Miserys Company
v-LN: 1161950
unbekannt Englisches Vollblut Stute Company Party Misery Loves Me Winfield Farm
155623 Misfit Love
v-LN: 2555852
Bay English Thorougbred Stute Beatbox Criminal Zelda NDC
50001 Misfits BZ
v-LN: 5755307
Lichtfuchs Haflinger Stute Wellington Miranda Res Gestae Equorum
202188 ThR Misguided Lite
v-LN: 2785458
Gray Blanket Appaloosa Stute Misguided Texas Star Ventress Lite Thriftwood Ranch
200154 BQ Misguided Texas Star
v-LN: 6358084
Bay Blanket Appaloosa Hengst FWs Misguided Love Frosty Texas Star privater Halter
68604 FWs Misguised Love
v-LN: 8441544
Chestnut Spotted Blanket Appaloosa Hengst Mehdi Lolita RK Oakfield Ranch
176427 Mishaa bint Emira MJA
v-LN: 4048705
Bay Sabino Egyptian Arabian Stute Mist Ibn Mistaz Fer Emira Starfire Inc
181897 Misharpie
v-LN: 9338114
Classic champagne dominant white quarter Hengst virtuelles Zuchtpferd virtuelles Zuchtpferd Anarchie
166498 Klees Mishishness
v-LN: 9056088
Dunkelpalomino Vesländer Reitpony Stute Skyfall ZM´s Mandalata Ponyzucht Kleemann
191755 Miska frá Gulrót
v-LN: 5127709
Rappe Isländer Stute Munin Feila Isländergestüt Elri
205253 Miska vom Sonnenaufgang
v-LN: 1200359
Dunkelbraunschecke Isländer Stute Björn vom Sonnenaufgang Genja zum Sonnenaufgang Akazienhof

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