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All horses

There are 57664 horses, spread over 1154 pages.
There are 50 horses per page, so it can take a while to load.
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Oh! By the way: you can sort the list by clicking on the headlines in the table. For example sort them by color or owner.
ID Name Color Breed Gender Sire Dam Owner
169868 In Cursive
v-LN: 1242985
Bay Morgan Stute Statesmans Signature JPR Have Mercy Starfire Inc
59316 In de Element xx
v-LN: 2454735
Schwarzbraun Englisches Vollblut Hengst Natural Element Dewilderness xx Vollmond Elite
80782 In Demand
v-LN: 7683666
Sorrel Snowflake Appaloosa Hengst Stand Me Grand Imprimis Sue Starfire Inc
115240 WPE In Demand xx
v-LN: 5301267
Palomino Englisches Vollblut Stute Issued xx SS Shamefully Good Blackwell Inc.
21806 In Dubio Pro Reo MW
v-LN: 1310411
Schimmel Vesländer Stute Der Hauptgewinn In Medio Virtus Akazienhof
191376 In Dubio Pro Rosa AZ
v-LN: 1337949
Schimmel Vesländer Stute Rosenkavalier In Dubio Pro Reo Akazienhof
3066 In Due Time
v-LN: 9505279
unbekannt Thoroughbred Stute virtuelles Zuchtpferd virtuelles Zuchtpferd privater Halter
70964 Klees In Flagranti
v-LN: 996657
unbekannt Vesländer Reitpony Hengst Inyan Lady Liberty Ponyzucht Kleemann
204456 V. In Heaven Happens
v-LN: 4544075
Svart Varmblodstravare Stute Speaktome Mahogny Pearl Stall Viktig
5501 EA In His Kiss
v-LN: 7791174
Rappe Vesländer Wallach In this Century B xx Kiss the Erlkönig Sternhof
210697 In Love vd Aue
v-LN: 1977651
Palominoschecke Belgisches Warmblut Hengst Moonjumper vd Vlasbloemhoeve Mona de Regor Sportpferde Chúille
170667 In Medias Res AZ
v-LN: 5767430
Schimmel Vesländer Stute Rocher In Dubio Pro Reo Akazienhof
7167 In Medio Virtus MW
v-LN: 1781730
Schimmel Vesländer Stute Schneeprinz Ubi Concordia Ibi Victoria Zuchtstall Moorwiesen
138271 In My Arms
v-LN: 8366979
Grey Arabian Horse Stute Keep Your Hands Off My Girl Luxette Stall Lovisedal
81951 In My Dreams RS
v-LN: 1453438
Brauner Trakehner Hengst Devant le Danger Kleins I Want to Kiss Akazienhof
98162 GFS In My Mind
v-LN: 8979128
Fuchs Hannoveraner Stute Is This Seat Taken Whisky Swish Sportpferde Henrich
45783 GNs In our Hearts RA
v-LN: 6625270
Brauner Trakehner Stute MWs Kingston Kintari Kleins I Want to Kiss Gestüt Rheinau
8550 In Perfection RA
v-LN: 9948757
Bay Trakehner Stute FRs Sam Mac Taylor In our Hearts RZz Memorio
65936 In Pursuit
v-LN: 8522926
Bay Thoroughbred Stute Cherokee Run Silent Proposal Eaglehill Farms
200920 BQ In Secret Success
v-LN: 5157743
Bay Blanket Appaloosa Stute BQ In Impulse Secret Lil Meg Thriftwood Ranch
104356 In Sequential Order
v-LN: 8466420
Chestnut Tobiano Tennessee Walking Horse Stute Color Coded Special Crickets Chocolate Chip Cajun Cross Ranch
98369 NRC In Style
v-LN: 7991833
Black Tobiano Irish Sport Horse Stute Flexinstyle Champagneandcaviar Nereus Riding Center
1886 In the End of the World B xx
v-LN: 741152
Fuchs Englisches Vollblut Hengst In this Guilded Age FR xx Fairground Attraction J xx Fürstenwalde
3030 FRs In The Spotlight GN
v-LN: 559510
Schimmel Hannoveraner Stute Interceptor Manhattan Love Story Gestüt Nereus
5205 In this Century B xx
v-LN: 5735680
Rappe Englisches Vollblut Wallach In this Guilded Age FR xx Zahara xx Kailua Events
1571 In this Fairytale B
v-LN: 924480
Fuchs Englisches Vollblut Hengst In this Guiled Age FR xx Fairground Attraction J xx Gestüt Redmind
2934 In This Farewell xx
v-LN: 9539364
Schimmel Englisches Vollblut Stute Between the Lines xx In This Moment xx privater Halter
6629 In this Guilded Age FR xx
v-LN: 5721997
Schimmel Englisches Vollblut Hengst Romantic Touch In This Farewell xx Briar Creek
3038 In This Moment xx
v-LN: 5653065
unbekannt unbekannt Hengst Rockin Boy xx In a Summer Night xx privater Halter
10745 In Vino Veritas MW
v-LN: 7167942
Rappe Vesländer Stute Konfuzius In Medio Virtus Sternhof
5346 Memorios In your Dreams
v-LN: 5931444
Fuchs Trakehner Wallach Königssohn In Perfection Privatstall Hohenstolz
155124 In Your Eyes AZ
v-LN: 7135876
Rappe Connemara Stute Behind Bright Eyes Ipsec Akazienhof
204618 V. In Your Face
v-LN: 5304600
Svart Varmblodstravare Hengst Skalk Hasselsjös Bellatrix Stall Viktig
117434 TQ In-Game
v-LN: 5997137
Palomino Dun Tovero Paint Horse Stute InvZip Dun It Million Co-Games Tanniques
68117 Ina Tb
v-LN: 3083713
Rappe Friese Stute Siebo Naviana Gestüt Rheinau
20418 A.T. Inaris
v-LN: 8365815
unbekannt Fjordpferd Stute Starshine Isna VRH Allertal
12700 Inbleutbad von Waagendorf
v-LN: 8210440
Cremello Hanoverian Stute Santos KE Mnemosyne von Waagendorf Waagendorf
82672 KS Incandescere
v-LN: 1314175
Black Domestic Arabian Hengst CI Indandescent Ajami Kaimel Stable
165212 USA Incantor
v-LN: 7271314
Smokey Black German Riding Pony Hengst Qrestone Wilca USA
206221 Incendia RS
v-LN: 325818
Fuchs Holsteiner Stute Crimson Dragoon Clever Traitor Rueth Acres
85273 Incendiario R
v-LN: 5738652
Bay Andalusian Stute Aureliano Illuminada R Whitewood Inc
165948 Lunds Incendio
v-LN: 7928701
Braunsabino Vesländer Reitpony Hengst Ibetyouwishyouknew Anytime Magic Reitponyzucht Lund
79694 Incendio
v-LN: 1695399
Schimmel Puro Sangue Lusitano Hengst Olympio Yaritza Gutshof Erlengrund
55982 RA Incendio
v-LN: 8542079
Brauner Anglo Arabian Hengst Echo in the Forest Matara Gestüt Rheinau
211402 Incensum
v-LN: 8634135
Brauner Vesländer Hengst Ignis Aroma Akazienhof
60712 Inception Tb
v-LN: 705780
Fuchs Vesländer Hengst Invader Naina Sportzentrum Redbird
21957 Incidencia A
v-LN: 3330222
Cremello PSL Stute Henriques A CB Hallina Privatstall Veneno
115361 Sternhofs Incognito
v-LN: 5758251
Rappe Vesländer Reitpony Hengst Inyan Mererid Akazienhof
167859 TQ Incognito
v-LN: 5097765
Palomino Tovero Paint Horse Hengst Megafleet In-Game Tanniques
73971 Incognito
v-LN: 1440617
Rappschecke Irish Tinker Wallach Big Jack Nore Cosy Fox Equestrian

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