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All horses

There are 57664 horses, spread over 1154 pages.
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Oh! By the way: you can sort the list by clicking on the headlines in the table. For example sort them by color or owner.
ID Name Color Breed Gender Sire Dam Owner
68511 CDS Im Your Mama Now
v-LN: 4604190
Brauner Irish Sport Horse Stute Im Really Smokin Sunshine Lullabye xx Reitschule Cederberg
260 BE Im Your Mister
v-LN: 7066734
Black Quarter Horse Hengst Mr. Dual Tolos Playboy privater Halter
206862 Íma vom Sonnenaufgang
v-LN: 9023492
Rappe Isländer Stute Peli vom Sonnenaufgang Aradís Hennys Ponyclub
192472 Cajuns Ima Be Bad
v-LN: 1308148
Silver Smoky Black Tobiano Overo American Shetland Pony Stute Southerns Bad Boy Phooka Cajun Cross Ranch
156308 NRC Ima Catchy Tune
v-LN: 406238
Dunkelbrauner Quarter Horse Stute Ima Stylin Point N Catch Nereus Riding Center
55419 BQ Ima Chic Snatcher
v-LN: 2366602
Gold Champagne Quarter Horse Hengst Soul Snatcher Catcall Thriftwood Ranch
68772 GNs Ima Cool Cat SD
v-LN: 5467053
Black Tobiano Paint Horse Hengst Tilents Cool Mountain Cat In Disguise Oakfield Ranch
61854 Ima cool Money Maker RA
v-LN: 8568638
Black Tobiano Paint Horse Hengst Ima Cool Cat SD EH Grays Money Maker Gestüt Rheinau
11611 Ima Cool Supremacist
v-LN: 1336265
Chestnut Quarter Pony Stute Olena Supreme Ima Cool Coosa Elysian Fields
194947 Ima Copper Penny
v-LN: 3576669
Chestnut Varnish Roan Spotted Blanket Appaloosa Hengst Ima Frosty Lena Hen Penny Southern Crest Stud
67072 BQ Ima Dun Rite Star
v-LN: 9491005
Buckskin Quarter Horse Stute BE Ima Play You Cash For A Star Nereus Riding Center
201539 BQ Ima Elite Imposter
v-LN: 5719547
Dunskin American Quarter Horse Hengst BE Ima Play You Elite Clipper Thriftwood Ranch
154428 Ima Fancy Star
v-LN: 1807503
Red Dun Leopard Colorado Ranger Hengst BC KFS Easter Star Ima Bright Jewel Starfire Inc
179962 BQ Ima Fine Gael
v-LN: 2323082
Brauner Quarter Horse Stute Whizout Irish Ima Hollywood Vixen Gestüt Rheinau
15119 Ima Fly Guy
v-LN: 182329
Palomino Overo Paint Horse Hengst Fly By Zip Unique Treasure Kaimel Stable
68572 KS Ima Flying Zipper
v-LN: 361670
Bay Splash Paint Horse Hengst Ima Fly Guy Zip N Blue Oakfield Ranch
201414 ThR Ima Genuine Soul
v-LN: 5347614
Classic Champagne Roan American Quarter Horse Hengst Ima Chic Snatcher Juan Genuine Poco Thriftwood Ranch
66077 GNs Ima Hollywood Vixen
v-LN: 7487188
Dark Bay Quarter Horse Stute Ima Stylin Hollywood Red Classic Nereus Riding Center
169798 Ima Hott Jewel
v-LN: 5212405
Bay Blanket Colorado Ranger Stute PRR Fistfull Of Dollars Ima Bright Jewel Starfire Inc
92778 BE Ima Imposter
v-LN: 9587444
Bay Quarter Horse Stute Imposter Watch Im Stylin Blackwell Inc.
165121 Ima Island Prince EG
v-LN: 6911639
Bay Dun Quarter Horse Hengst Ima Stylin Cutthroat Island Alder Farms
111908 Ima Lil Jetzetter
v-LN: 4803996
Bay Roan Appaloosa Stute I's A Jetsetter Impulsive Lil Flirt Starfire Inc
19287 Ima Little Celtic W
v-LN: 4010335
Black Varnish Appaloosa Stute Celtic Stone Ima Little Fatal Wrong Way Stud
157383 NRC Ima Little Freckle
v-LN: 1368731
Brauner Quarter Horse Hengst Ima Stylin Freckles Perdita Nereus Riding Center
68684 S Ima Magic Rebel
v-LN: 4625731
Dunskin White Blanket Appaloosa Stute My Magic Spot Ima Rebel Oakfield Ranch
111547 Ima Major Hottie
v-LN: 9166623
Chestnut Tobiano Miniature Horse Stute Sids Rebel Glenns Calico Kitten Cajun Cross Ranch
10219 SE Ima Morning Star
v-LN: 5787344
Red Dun Colorando Ranger Stute Ima Fancy Star Morning Haze Nereus Riding Center
15118 KS Ima Noble Coloration
v-LN: 4343895
Palomino Tovero Paint Horse Hengst Ima Fly Guy Color Me Constellation Hofer Stables
201618 Ima Peppy Bluff CKS
v-LN: 6372562
Blue Roan American Quarter Horse Stute NRC Peppy Imposter Ima Starlight Player Thriftwood Ranch
103627 Ima Perdy Lady
v-LN: 6484051
Fuchs American Bashkir Curly Horse Stute Pal Amino Imogene Sandtime Farm
82656 KS Ima Player
v-LN: 1230735
Buckskin Blanket Appaloosa Hengst Court Fantasy Jay's Playful Bambi Kaimel Stable
199287 BQ Ima Precious Kelo
v-LN: 8614024
Black Blanket Appaloosa Stute Alias Kelo Ima Precious Poise Thriftwood Ranch
104168 S Ima Rebel
v-LN: 4603715
Buckskin Quarter Horse Stute M Natural Rebel Covered in Gold Southern Acres Inc
202227 BQ Ima Roan Hancock
v-LN: 5377861
Buckskin Roan American Quarter Horse Stute BE Ima Play You Sir Hancocks Bluebell Thriftwood Ranch
200537 BQ Ima Santee Twist
v-LN: 7407348
Red Roan Snowcap Pony Of The Americas Stute Twisty Twist Stuff Ima Shy Doll Thriftwood Ranch
201527 BQ Ima Sharp One
v-LN: 3835529
Bay Dun American Quarter Horse Stute BE Ima Play You Sharp One Thriftwood Ranch
109197 Ima Shiney Moon
v-LN: 1504656
Black Quarter Horse Stute Shiney Illusion High Sable Moon Starfire Inc
174052 NRC Ima Shinin Tivio
v-LN: 3480053
Bay Quarter Horse Stute Tivios Rodeo Scarlet Kid Nereus Riding Center
661 Ima Shining Wv
v-LN: 388533
Palomino Quarter Horse Hengst BE Shining Deceit BE Ima Watchin Westveil Estate
201737 ThR Ima Shy Chief
v-LN: 7115763
Bay Blanket Appaloosa Hengst IG Chiefs Big Mistake Ima Shy Doll Thriftwood Ranch
198237 BQ Ima Shy Doll
v-LN: 7969750
Bay Roan Blanket Appaloosa Stute Ima Cool T Plaudits Shy Doll Thriftwood Ranch
2494 SnS Ima speed Man SD
v-LN: 4724232
Dunskin Quarter Horse Hengst Solitary Man SD Play With Speed Gestüt Rheinau
156307 S Ima Starlight Player
v-LN: 2929745
Brauner Quarter Horse Stute Ima Stylin S Gettin Played New Harvest Stables
66081 BE Ima Stylin
v-LN: 8424353
Dark Bay Quarter Horse Hengst Prince Poco Pine Watch Im Stylin Nereus Riding Center
68786 KS Ima Thrill Seeker
v-LN: 650443
Bay Roan Blanket Appaloosa Stute Court Fantasy Awesome Dream Oakfield Ranch
78681 BF Ima Traveller xx
v-LN: 4020481
Dunkelbraun Englisches Vollblut Stute Time Traveller ImAnAmericanKitten xx Akazienhof
6595 Ima Tru Man
v-LN: 8163703
Braunfalbe Kiger Mustang Wallach Ima Spirit Soul Tru Love Reitstall Moorwiesen
48957 Ima Wild Fritz
v-LN: 8315579
unbekannt Quarter Horse Stute Command A Buck Wild Bet Running Freely Ranch
56867 Ima Wizard Harry
v-LN: 8243013
Braunfalbe Haflinger-Mustang-Mix Hengst Ima Tru Man Hermine Sternhof
138328 ZEL Imad
v-LN: 8145521
Bay Domestic Arabian Hengst Al Qadir Aqila Westonia

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