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All horses

There are 57664 horses, spread over 1154 pages.
There are 50 horses per page, so it can take a while to load.
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Oh! By the way: you can sort the list by clicking on the headlines in the table. For example sort them by color or owner.
ID Name Color Breed Gender Sire Dam Owner
52884 Kleins Ilikechocolatepopcorn
v-LN: 3043954
Rappe Vesländer Reitpony Stute Iamahotmess Doyles Awesome Again Reitponyzucht Lund
45220 Iliocena
v-LN: 1103121
Rappe Puro Sangue Lusitano Stute Altonar Xenia Ribaneiro
52795 Ilione EA
v-LN: 4947883
Dunkelbrauner Victorian Warmblood Stute Endymion Clytaemnestra Sporthorses Thompson
42066 Iliyana
v-LN: 4900472
Palomino Englisches Vollblut Stute virtuelles Zuchtpferd virtuelles Zuchtpferd Nereus Riding Center
14786 Iljena Dw
v-LN: 2611457
Braunfalbe Fjord Stute Inrico Jasmin Sternenpferde
59481 Ilkje
v-LN: 2855945
Rappe Friese Stute Falke Gerie Gestüt Schwarze Perle
17454 Klees Illa
v-LN: 6559050
Lichtfuchs Haflinger Stute Al Capo Indiana Ponyzucht Kleemann
117411 Illanipi HS
v-LN: 9102056
Fuchsfalbe Caymaro Mustang Hengst Intense Suspense Command Performance Sporthorses Thompson
84175 GFS Illdowhatican
v-LN: 8452837
Fuchssabino Irish Sport Pony Stute I Got Your Number Finella Gubnat Fürstenwalde
84179 GFS Illdrinktothat
v-LN: 5426102
Braunsabino Irish Sport Pony Hengst Iknewuweretrouble Back to Wine Reitschule Cederberg
21287 Ille de Bourbon
v-LN: 9270583
Rappe Oldenburger Wallach Illuminaty Isabell Die Haltergemeinschaft
117399 TQ Illegal Dude
v-LN: 3723132
Chestnut Overo Paint Horse Wallach Chinooks Good Dude Illegal Image Tanniques
96539 TQ Illegal Image
v-LN: 5743880
Chestnut Overo Paint Horse Stute Illegally Smashed Mega Imagination Tanniques
169791 Illhugi Nordic
v-LN: 3847960
Brown Nordic Sport Horse Hengst Ibenhard Belcam Giorgi Starfire Inc
19925 Vazao Illicit
v-LN: 5930975
Cremello Puro Sangue Lusitano Hengst Velasco Sócrates Carmelita Ribaneiro
87597 Illicit Romance
v-LN: 6046075
Fuchs Britisches Warmblut Wallach Indecent Proposal Royal Mystery Springpferde Moorwiesen
164738 Illicite AWB
v-LN: 4640104
unbekannt Selle français Hengst Bonfils Mourning Mistress Anarchie
170050 KF Illieta
v-LN: 1365624
Grey Dutch Warmblood Stute Talisman Jubilee AF Beloved Tune Starfire Inc
105459 Snöflingans Illinois
v-LN: 629298
Black SW Welsh Cob Stute SS Victory Academy Isleen FH Snöflingan
60475 Illirion Tb
v-LN: 69370
Dunkelfuchs Vesländer Wallach Iron Man Entertainerin Fürstenwalde
83593 GFS Illmakeyoufamous
v-LN: 4975126
Flaxen Chestnut Sabino Vesländer Reitpony Hengst Iknewuweretrouble Eden Cálaí Nereus Riding Center
154871 Illuminated VE
v-LN: 6494456
Bay Trakehner Stute Nussknacker Ivy League privater Halter
2151 WPE Illuminated
v-LN: 5882533
Palomino Englisches Vollblut Hengst Issued xx Honorable Victory Rising Sun Stables
181812 Illuminated Danger K
v-LN: 6476563
Brauner Englisches Vollblut Hengst Illuminated Dangerous Prospect Kiyo Performance Horses
15975 Illuminated Daughter
v-LN: 9816047
Palomino Meinauer Stute Illuminated Smile Girl Zuchtstall Meiningen
10146 Illuminated Life
v-LN: 313703
Perlino Meinauer Stute Illuminated Donatella Zuchtstall Meiningen
67649 Illuminati RS
v-LN: 3224351
Fuchs Schwedisches Warmblut Hengst Illuminated Skeggjöld Sternhof
86673 S Illuminati
v-LN: 478928
Palomino Thoroughbred Hengst Implosion Glitterati Kenspeckle Equestrian
16265 Bredenkamps Illuminati RA
v-LN: 2796792
Brauner Holsteiner Hengst A fleet Express Samtweich Springpferde Moorwiesen
206120 Illuminating Heaven
v-LN: 1995576
Bay Quarter Horse Stute Ymir Canyon Haley's Comet Tanglewood Ranch
163443 Illumination ROSE
v-LN: 4019788
Palomino Vesländer Stute Illuminated Affaire de Alcatraz Reitverein Eichenau
11759 Illumination
v-LN: 7082162
Gray Crabbet Arabian Stute Payback Sea Drift Payback Lumiere Cajun Cross Ranch
173921 Illumine
v-LN: 7475312
unbekannt Oldenburger Stute virtuelles Zuchtpferd virtuelles Zuchtpferd Merri Group
187191 Sagolika Illumise
v-LN: 5729864
Grey born black Shetland Pony Stute Enchanting Echoes Satin Serenade Stall Sagolik
161327 TQ Illumniator
v-LN: 1581595
Buckskin Blanket Appaloosa Hengst Poco Rowdy Lunar Eclipse Tanniques
18750 Illusie D
v-LN: 8503037
Rappe DHH Stute Evergreens Elric Ethela MA Dahabu Arabians
68692 Illusion for Musician OK
v-LN: 1816971
Black Leopard Appaloosa Stute Santa Anita Musican Big Red Illusion Oakfield Ranch
200822 BQ Illusionary Sunset
v-LN: 8143788
Palomino Snowcap Appaloosa Stute With Lena Till Sunset Anslei Illusion Thriftwood Ranch
203277 V. Illusionen
v-LN: 9539648
Brun Splash Kallblodstravare Hengst Unique Memory Diploma Eldritch Farm
82077 Illusionist
v-LN: 1667504
Chestnut Rabicano Domestic Arabian Stute Khehanad Adhem Sweet Riches Kaimel Stable
67129 EA Illusionist
v-LN: 6373573
Isabell Vesländer Hengst Illuminated Airborne Sternhof
45339 Illusionist RA
v-LN: 9403123
Brauner Trakehner Hengst Kordofino Kleins I Want to Kiss Trakehnergestüt Schlossallee
181567 TQ Illusions of Love
v-LN: 5378408
Grey (black dominant white) Thoroughbred Stute Chromatic Pop Up Heart Tanniques
15257 Illusive Shakin Fable VF
v-LN: 3085269
Fuchs Sabino Mustang Stute Lone Shake Terrific Illusion Hofer Stables
172979 Illustic Sketch RS
v-LN: 2808432
Palomino Swedish Warmblood Hengst Illuminated Skeggjöld Cajun Cross Ranch
197312 C Illustration
v-LN: 6633969
Cremello Blanket Arabian Warmblood Hengst Illustic Sketch Santee Cajun Cross Ranch
171222 Sternhofs Illustre
v-LN: 3048010
Lichtfuchs Haflinger Stute Funkentanz Ilay Sternhof
88448 Illyana RS
v-LN: 8446944
Dunkelbrauner Vesländer Stute Illyrino Olympea Hof Obendeich
5667 Illyn Pain RS
v-LN: 2460388
Schimmel Hannoveraner Hengst Illyrino Naomi Nixona DS Lindenhof
12120 Illyria von Waagendorf
v-LN: 804670
Bay KWPN Stute Jackson Bloody Mary Waagendorf

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