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All horses

There are 57607 horses, spread over 1153 pages.
There are 50 horses per page, so it can take a while to load.
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Oh! By the way: you can sort the list by clicking on the headlines in the table. For example sort them by color or owner.
ID Name Color Breed Gender Sire Dam Owner
101109 Iris Follow Through 881
v-LN: 9993112
Black Swedish Warmblood Hengst Oceanborns Aerial Ace Sleeping Sun Skörby Gård
52632 Follower J
v-LN: 3096531
Rappe Holsteiner Hengst For Deeper Impact Felina Gestüt Johannsen
191171 Elds Folly
v-LN: 6187201
Black Tobiano Shetland Pony Stute Southerns Favorite Flirt Frenemy Eldritch Farm
103554 MM Folsom Prison Blues
v-LN: 43140
Gray Tennessee Walking Horse Hengst Johnny Cash Moonbeam CH Cajun Cross Ranch
157255 USA Fomea
v-LN: 1920720
Chestnut Hanoverian Stute USA Furzier Breaking Flower USA
161130 Fonepferesh
v-LN: 1112888
Smoky Black Irish Sport Horse Hengst Footstepsinbronze Jinx the Cat Reitschule Cederberg
19631 Fonsie
v-LN: 553582
Brauner Puro Sangue Lusitano Hengst Afiancado De Flandes Ria Barocco Paraiso Escondido
156547 USA Fonsul
v-LN: 8837467
Black Trakehner Hengst Solopreneur Filipena USA
16548 Fontaleza LW
v-LN: 2407080
Lichtfuchs Haflinger Stute Findus MS Kiara Reitstall Elwen
72720 AM Fontana
v-LN: 3460703
Braune Vesländer Stute Fouzan AA Arami Donna Team James
156421 Fontana
v-LN: 7307288
Lichtfuchs Haflinger Stute Navarino Florentina Die Haltergemeinschaft Juli
164102 Fontessa
v-LN: 8558063
Bay Arabian Stute Alpaso Zasha Groups
12464 S Fonzie
v-LN: 7915579
Chestnut Dutch Harness Horse Hengst Schaduw Shelena Cajun Cross Ranch
12119 S Fool Me Twice
v-LN: 3524201
Bay Morgan Stute Gabes Fool Golden Bell Cajun Cross Ranch
12743 Miloos Fool of a Took
v-LN: 553893
unbekannt Swedish Warmblood Hengst Lexmark H. Lucky Doll privater Halter
52752 Fool's Eleison
v-LN: 6255602
Bay Standardbred Stute Inspiration Heavenly Stuteri Sunstone
4105 Blue Lacy's Foolish Escape MSR
v-LN: 2480186
Chestnut Quarter Horse Stute Fools Rush Amazing Escape privater Halter
62455 Foolish Fire
v-LN: 1294289
Fuchsschecke Vesländer Hengst Flying Jack Mermaid Girl Maple Hill Equestrian
70642 Foolish House Wv
v-LN: 8160885
Fuchs Thoroughbred Hengst Asfan Borrowed Plumage Hof Rosenhuegel
202788 Foolish Pride CCR
v-LN: 2728793
Bay Tobiano Tennessee Walking Horse Stute Pride Jubilee Diamond Frosted Paint Cajun Cross Ranch
5479 EA Foolproof
v-LN: 7022011
Brauner Connemara Stute Ashke Fool For You Jazz Shoes Sportpferde Blazing Lights
1934 Fools Rush
v-LN: 1259555
Gray Quarter Horse Hengst Smart Rush AS Starlight Hofer Stables
5025 Footloose
v-LN: 2654714
Grey Quarter Horse Hengst Footsteps Loose Tongue Starfire Inc.
4734 Footloose RS
v-LN: 2910427
Schimmel Vesländer Stute Fear and Loathing Hippie Girl Fürstenwalde
57728 For All Bullies
v-LN: 1220357
Bay with Hip Spots Appaloosa Wallach Moon Bully Easy We Go Hofer Stables
153941 For Bel Filou EG
v-LN: 9291390
Brauner Vesländer Hengst For Deeper Impact Patsy Belle Techelhof
160771 For Cats Sake
v-LN: 5598
Fuchs Britisches Warmblut Stute Force Nine Saintly Speech Rising Sun Stables
16352 FRs For Crusador Dw
v-LN: 8980154
Rappe Hannoveraner Hengst Callahos Fürst Schufro La Rochelle privater Halter
13688 Gins For Deeper Impact LW
v-LN: 9545370
Rappe Holsteiner Hengst From Dusk to Dawn Dark Vampire Techelhof
3968 For Diamonds SD
v-LN: 8294320
Braun Westfale Stute Fortimer xx Dynamita privater Halter
18690 For Distance xx
v-LN: 7675356
Schimmel Englisches Vollblut Stute Heathrow xx Glory xx Sporthorses Thompson
53672 For Edition
v-LN: 9091495
Fuchs Hannoveraner Hengst For Pleasure Sheila Die Haltergemeinschaft
2160 For Ever
v-LN: 1513923
Fuchs Trakehner Hengst Silbertänzer For the Best privater Halter
177089 For Fanta RS
v-LN: 2314106
Rappe Trakehner Stute Devil de Lioncourt Forsanti Rising Sun Stables
20276 For Filou Tb
v-LN: 4051299
Schimmel Vesländer Hengst Filou Talula Sporthorses Thompson
208968 For Friendchip
v-LN: 5640997
Black leopard Knabstrupper Hengst For Friends Chipelina Stuteri Ce'Nedra
53679 For Furioso
v-LN: 7142962
Braun Hannoveraner Hengst Fiasko Little Fiona Die Haltergemeinschaft
17883 For Joy Tb
v-LN: 1849407
Fuchs Hannoveraner Hengst Final Destination Sedate Landgut Fürstenhof
3172 For My Heart
v-LN: 3217258
Fuchs Hannoveraner Stute For Pleasure Contenda privater Halter
196136 USA For My Love
v-LN: 7264244
Bay Tobiano Swedish Warmblood Stute Zafirs Jump For My Love Meridia Stuteri Wildberry
50288 For My Pleasure
v-LN: 3642980
Dunkelbrauner Trakehner Hengst Lord X Feuerfee Sternenpferde
47869 For Napoli
v-LN: 1870688
Rappe Vesländer Stute For Deeper Impact Napolitana Hof Assmann
182294 RC For Passion d'ive Z
v-LN: 7390906
Rappe Zangersheide Reitpferd Stute Falmarin RC Hashtag Fake News Z Reitschule Cederberg
45629 For Pilot
v-LN: 8307651
Brauner Oldenburger Hengst For Germany RD Pretty Hengststation Johannsen
45200 For Pleasure
v-LN: 1452074
Fux Hanoverian Hengst Furioso II Gigantin privater Halter
45201 For Pleasure
v-LN: 4236766
Fux Hanoverian Hengst Furioso II Gigantin privater Halter
42509 For Ruin R
v-LN: 1107012
Fuchssabino Hannoveraner Stute For Pleasure Acacia Daemon Stud Farm
98818 For Sale EW
v-LN: 707150
Rappe Vesländer Hengst For Deeper Impact Sell my Soul xx Rv Ehra
97491 SC For Silence
v-LN: 7989938
Braun Oldenburger Stute For Sparta Cartenance Hof Sievers
5127 For Something Importent TS
v-LN: 47263
Rappe Hannoveraner Hengst For Crusador DW Blue Belle Gestüt Silvermoon

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