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All horses

There are 57511 horses, spread over 1151 pages.
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Oh! By the way: you can sort the list by clicking on the headlines in the table. For example sort them by color or owner.
ID Name Color Breed Gender Sire Dam Owner
9789 Dancing Queen
v-LN: 2010634
Rappschecke Lewitzer Stute Dancing King Kristina Ponyzucht Kleemann
191853 Cajuns Dancing Queen
v-LN: 6279663
Silver Black Sabino Irish Cob Stute Sinful Secrets Pre Party Cajun Cross Ranch
21137 Dancing Queen
v-LN: 8760921
Fuchs Württemberger Stute Daminio Dancing Dynamite Die Haltergemeinschaft
12569 CKS Dancing Queen
v-LN: 8853765
Bay Tobiano American Saddlebred Stute Incident Report Supreme Konstella Cajun Cross Ranch
22190 Dancing Queen
v-LN: 1543406
Brauner Trakehner Stute Nanuk Dandy Magicland
98370 Dancing Queen
v-LN: 5708797
Palomino Quarter Horse Stute virtuelles Zuchtpferd virtuelles Zuchtpferd Reiterhof zum Hufeisen
44639 Dancing Queen
v-LN: 3514434
Rappschecke Barockpinto Stute Depardieu Jenna Barockzucht Verdadero Amor
106346 Fees Dancing Raqisa K
v-LN: 710762
Rappe Vesländer Stute Dancing Fox FRS El Nadima GN x Fee Wide & Freunde
170002 KF Dancing Rebel
v-LN: 2398445
Bay Irish Draught Stute Laughton Dance Evergreens Iron Rebel Lady Starfire Inc
12584 MM Dancing Sensation
v-LN: 91485
Bay Tobiano American Saddlebred Stute SI Circus Dancer Supreme Sensation Cajun Cross Ranch
575 Dancing Spirit ox
v-LN: 1395884
Rappe Vollblutaraber Hengst Dancing Star ox Dance Forever ox Zuchtstall Moorwiesen
168636 PS Dancing Spook
v-LN: 7254044
Rappschecke Lewitzer Stute Spunk Dancing Gal Ponyzucht Smaho
5179 Memorios Dancing Star
v-LN: 1660748
Brown Deutsches Reitpony Stute Dream Dancer Jaysá RZz Memorio
109169 Dancing The Modern Daisy
v-LN: 5876367
Black American Saddlebred Stute Ridgefield Prancy Dancer Symbol of Fame Starfire Inc
153946 A.T. Dancing Water AA
v-LN: 4152120
unbekannt unbekannt Wallach virtuelles Zuchtpferd virtuelles Zuchtpferd VRH Allertal
11519 Dancing With Burberry
v-LN: 1412717
unbekannt unbekannt Wallach virtuelles Zuchtpferd virtuelles Zuchtpferd privater Halter
169033 Dancing With Burberry
v-LN: 1265164
Buckskin German Riding Pony Stute Burberry Onjalei Dancer Starfire Inc
160963 KF Dancing With Honor
v-LN: 7845086
Bay Thoroughbred Stute Danehill Dancer Better Than Honor Starfire Inc
108575 DancingInTheRain
v-LN: 9817789
Black Domestic Arabian Stute Sundance Kid V Pattrice Cajun Cross Ranch
210078 Cajuns DancingWithTheStars
v-LN: 3544586
Chestnut New Forest pony Stute Koenigsegg Wind Dancer Stuteri Ce'Nedra
5831 Danda CB
v-LN: 523292
Rappschecke Barock Pinto Hengst Djuke Pandorra Moor Park Inc.
192972 S Dandeelionn
v-LN: 4584030
Bay Quarab Stute S Pryotekhnik CI Sunflowerr Cajun Cross Ranch
6702 Dandelia
v-LN: 6636543
Brauner Pura Raza Española Stute El Sincero I Thalássa privater Halter
193579 Dandelion IR
v-LN: 4066265
Palomino Swedish Warmblood Hengst virtuelles Zuchtpferd virtuelles Zuchtpferd Stall Irrbloss
79881 Dandelion
v-LN: 6081836
Bay Leopard Knabstrupper Hengst Astor Ofelia Skörby Gard
53488 Carrigcastle Dandelion
v-LN: 9732496
Schimmel Connemara Stute Leopardwing Atlantic Star Flowertroll Misty Dawn Reitschule Cederberg
2256 Unique Dandelion SD
v-LN: 9039991
Dunkelbraun Hannoveraner Hengst Don Rosario Vogelfeder privater Halter
101000 Dandelion D
v-LN: 8401628
Fuchs Welsh Partbred Hengst Dermian Owena Gemeinschaft TDLWS
60608 A.T. Dandelion
v-LN: 7084130
Rappe Friese Hengst Dancer RGE Kassiopeia VRH Allertal
21698 Dandelion MW
v-LN: 4823819
Tigerschecke Knabstrupper Hengst Delino Melissa Zuchtstall Moorwiesen
57664 Dandelion Clock
v-LN: 1092207
Rappe Schwedisches Warmblut Hengst Dakar von Waagendorf Pure Pleasure Zuchtverband Northern Lights
105499 Dandelion xx
v-LN: 4085007
Grey Thoroughbred Hengst White Eagle xx Dapple xx Clark Racing Stable
193986 Dandidos
v-LN: 7520033
Lichtfuchs Haflinger Hengst Djabolo Historia Hofer Stables
22608 Dandy
v-LN: 7699830
Schwarzbrauner Hannoveraner Hengst Dark Star Denver Springpferde Moorwiesen
164848 Dandy AWB
v-LN: 7750480
unbekannt British Warmblood Hengst Dixon Valesia Anarchie
9781 Dandy
v-LN: 6184104
Schwarzbraunschecke Lewitzer Hengst Der Lord Kinati Ponyzucht Smaho
201299 ThR Dandy Cider Cord
v-LN: 3414261
Buckskin American Quarter Horse Hengst Reckless Boogie Pep Natural Glo Thriftwood Ranch
169040 Dandy Fannie Nordic
v-LN: 5166233
Black Nordic Sport Horse Stute Dion D Dandy Lady Nordic Starfire Inc
175627 Lilystar Dandy Girl
v-LN: 509610
Fuchs Deutsches Reitpony Stute Icarus Zigzag Blumenfelds Delphine Sportpferde Chúille
17752 Vivaldis Dandy Girl GV
v-LN: 7061745
Fuchs Hannoveraner Stute Vivaldi GV Donauqueen MB Gestüt Nereus
174785 Dandy Superstition K
v-LN: 8787739
Black Tovero Paint Stute SE Docs Dandy Dancer Superstition Starfire Inc
19193 GNs Dandy Tucker LH
v-LN: 6468858
Rappe Quarter Horse Hengst Zippos Good Tucker Zippos Dandy Girl DS Lindenhof
168499 BQ Dandy Wee Glo
v-LN: 6294633
Perlino Fewspot Appaloosa Hengst DZ Weedo Tieshays Bailey Glo Starfire Inc
11194 BQ Dandy Wee Glo
v-LN: 6985708
Perlino Fewspot Appaloosa Hengst virtuelles Zuchtpferd virtuelles Zuchtpferd privater Halter
105209 Dandy xx
v-LN: 5284172
Bay Thoroughbred Stute Desert Prince xx Lisibila xx Clark Racing Stable
171117 Klees Dang Abyss xx
v-LN: 5300560
Palomino Englisches Vollblut Stute Into The Abyss xx Dark Romanticism xx B Ponyzucht Kleemann
83519 Dang Docs Dangerous
v-LN: 9079100
Grulla Quarter Horse Hengst RFR Nu Bar Doc Dang Dally Twang Kaimel Stable
87505 RA Dangan
v-LN: 765037
Rappe Irish Sport Horse Hengst Late Night Flight Königstochter Sporthorses Thompson
83244 Dangari Rosso GN
v-LN: 3726683
Grey Holsteiner Hengst Develano Rosso Ladina Kaimel Stable
71676 Klees Dangeelina
v-LN: 8046852
Schwarzbrauner Vesländer Stute Druide Lütte in the Dark Ponyzucht Kleemann

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