Lindgårdens Eluna
V-LN: 9236645 - V-ID: 92190
Swedish Warmblood Bay Tobiano (EE/Aa/nT)
166cm Height
To the original profile
Born on (according to registry): 01.02.2021
Ownership history Is owned by USA (Noma)
Was owned by 1. Lindgården (URL) (Vargafrost) [bis 16.10.2021]
Offspring in this register
Eluna has no offspring listed
More information
Lindgårdens Eluna
SWB, sto
Rastyp: 7/10
Huvud, hals, bål: 8/10
Extremiteter: 8/10
Rörelsernas korrekthet: 9/10
Allmänt intryck: 8/10
Resultat: 40/50, Diplom
Utfärdat: 2023-06-26
Domare: Eldsjäl på VHFs Bedömningsstation
Lindgårdens Eluna
SWB, sto
Exteriör: Diplom
Meriter, poäng: -
Avkommor, antal: -
Avkommor, poäng: -
Resultat: 0, G
Utfärdat: 2023-06-26
Domare: Eldsjäl på VHFs Bedömningsstation
Breeding Evaluation
Lindgårdens Eluna hasn't qualified for evaluation yet.
Results in the register
Eluna starts international in the following associations:
 ASDA Grand Champion 450 points | Eluna has not achieved any national results
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