EA Earrach Grásta

V-LN: 8987250 - V-ID: 7362
Irish Sport Horse Rappe (EE/aa)
Extensive genetics: E/E a/a
172cm Height
Recorded as a breeding horse
To the original profile
Born on (according to registry): 01.01.2015
SpecializationSpringenSportDressur L - Springen S - Vielseitigkeit L
Ownership history Is owned by Sternhof (May)
Was owned by 1. Sternhof (May) [bis 26.01.2016] 2. Privatstall Veneno (URL) (Laura) [bis 29.12.2018] 3. Sternhof (May) [bis 08.01.2019]
Toirdhealbhach  v-LN: 6901369 Schimmel Irish Sport Horse
About Time xx Schimmel Englisches Vollblut
Sparring Partner xx
About Me xx
Toil Luas Rappe Irish Sport Horse
Luagh Ra RA
Tori Amat xx
Briomhar Dúil v-LN: 3904275 Rappe Irish Sport Horse
Trom Claiomh
Something Stupid xx
Bán Bás
Bán Laoch
Change Of Heart xx
Offspring in this register
EA Earrach Grásta ist tragend von
Navajo EG. Voraussichtlicher Abfohltermin: 2025-05-27
Earrach Grásta has 1 Offspring
More information
EE/aa, Züchter: Sternhof
Breeding Evaluation

EA Earrach Grásta was approved for evaluations because of nationalen results and was evaluated on 24.01.2022
Conformation: 9
Movement: 9
Rideability: 8
Type: 8
Overal Impression: 8
All in all
42 points (Premium)
Hofkomplex Lindenhof | |
Nereus Competition Corner | |
Results in the register
Earrach Grásta starts international in the following associations:
 ASJA Champion 409 points | ASIHS ASIHS Hall of Stars 3597 points | ASWA 158 points |
Earrach Grásta reached 387 Tournament Points.
Rank |
Date |
Announcement |
Event |
Location |
Owner Rider |
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