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ZUS Euporie

V-LN: 8290577 - V-ID: 154443
Swedish Warmblood Chestnut Mare

Recorded as a breeding horse

This horse is offline
Born on (according to registry): 00.00.0000





Ownership history

Is owned by

Ubericon von Waagendorf
v-LN: 2059865
Chestnut Swedish Warmblood

VDLs Webb
v-LN: 8511117
Dunkelbrauner Schwedisches Warmblut

Lunas Luxor Duchamp
v-LN: 6381003
Swedish Warmblood

Smedhults Shayda
v-LN: 4143844

Rimini von Waagendorf
v-LN: 9068705
Chestnut Swedish Warmblood

Rotterdam 176
v-LN: 9705029
Fuchs schwedisches Warmblut

v-LN: 5142619
Dark Brown Finnisches Halbblut

Kabayla von Waagendorf
v-LN: 8203075
Grey Swedish Warmblood

Wolfgang von Waagendorf
v-LN: 3463322
Gray Swedish Warmblood

Passage Highlander
v-LN: 1659144
Dark Bay Swedish Warmblood

Bj Romanza
v-LN: 4367472
Schimmel Schwedisches Halbblut

La Vita von Waagendorf
v-LN: 7990867
Grey Swedish Warmblood

Cheerhills Lincoln
v-LN: 7547662
Schimmel Schwedisches Warmblut

v-LN: 3958833
Schimmel schwedisches Warmblut

Offspring in this register

Euporie has 2 Offspring
Name Birthed Breed Gender Color Sire Owner
Zafirs Luna Luxor
v-LN: 976356 - v-ID: 12042
14.11.2019 Swedish Warmblood Stallion Chestnut Zafirs Paris Metro
v-LN: 6452696 - v-ID: 159805
Dalby Equestrian
Rawa von Romero
v-LN: 1166111 - v-ID: 61592
20.06.2013 Schwedisches Warmblut Mare Brauner Zafirs Mahiki Tiki
v-LN: 7562443 - v-ID: 159790
Nereus Riding Center

More information

Euporie has no more information

Breeding Evaluation

ZUS Euporie hasn't qualified for evaluation yet.


Euporie has no awards

Results in the register

Euporie is not registered at any association

Euporie has not achieved any national results

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