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SCN Chieftain

V-LN: 5484408 - V-ID: 186001
Thoroughbred Gray (Ee/Aa/Gg) Stallion
158cm Height

To the original profile
Born on (according to registry): 16.02.2024



Ownership history

Bred by
Stuteri Ce'Nedra (CeNedra)

Is owned by
Zeliek (Vargafrost)

Was owned by
1. Stuteri Ce'Nedra (URL) (CeNedra) [bis 03.03.2024]

Utsiktens Sentenced
v-LN: 9387089
Grey English Thoroughbred

Edgardales Friendship
v-LN: 8924212
Bay Thoroughbred

Spectacular Choice

Edgardales Gini

Utsiktens Gethsemane
v-LN: 6729799
Dunkelbrauner Englisches Vollblut

Lear Fan

Best Offense

ZEL Sergeant Stupid
v-LN: 4539863
Bay Thoroughbred

Sergeant Pepper
v-LN: 6405171
Brown Englisches Vollblut

Lonley Salesman xx
v-LN: 7468101
Rappe Englisches Vollblut

Bold Pepper
v-LN: 1847165
Brown englisches Vollblut

TQ Imbécile
v-LN: 9290897
Bay Thoroughbred

TQ Subnormal
v-LN: 4611186
Chestnut Thoroughbred

TQ Enregistrer Ce Soir
v-LN: 1567784
Bay Thoroughbred

Offspring in this register

Chieftain has no offspring listed

More information

Chieftain has no more information

Breeding Evaluation

SCN Chieftain hasn't qualified for evaluation yet.


Chieftain has no awards

Results in the register

Chieftain is not registered at any association

Chieftain has not achieved any national results

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