WFF Fact or Fiction
V-LN: 3489193 - V-ID: 157
Registreras som en avelshäst
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Born on (according to registry): 13.10.2019
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privates Zuchtpferd
privates Zuchtpferd
privates Zuchtpferd
privates Zuchtpferd
privates Zuchtpferd
privates Zuchtpferd
privates Zuchtpferd
privates Zuchtpferd
privates Zuchtpferd
privates Zuchtpferd
privates Zuchtpferd
privates Zuchtpferd
privates Zuchtpferd
Avkomma i registret
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WFF Fact or Fiction was approved for evaluations because of ASEA results and was evaluated on 24.11.2019
Conformation: 8
Movement: 8
Rideability: 7
Type: 4
Overal Impression: 4
All in all
31 points
Fact or Fiction har ingen priser
Vinningar i registret
Fact or Fiction är inte registrerad på någon association
Fact or Fiction nått 12 turneringspoäng.
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