Klees Rosa Roter Panther

V-LN: 3087634 - V-ID: 50827
Lewitzer Braunschcke (EeAaTT)
Extensive genetics: E~T/e~T a/A
140cm Height
Recorded as a breeding horse
To the original profile
Born on (according to registry): 04.05.2017
Offspring in this register
Rosa Roter Panther has no offspring listed
More information
Nervös: Egal was es ist. Alles was nicht jeden Tag passiert ist erst mal potentiell gefährlich.
Hasst es gewaschen zu werden.
Weitere Eigenheiten:
Klaut ständig irgendwas.
Größte Angst:
Hasen und Kaninchen
Bevorzugt kleinere Pferde.
Geht sehr gut an der Hand.
Breeding Evaluation

Klees Rosa Roter Panther was approved for evaluations because of nationalen results and was evaluated on 04.04.2024
Conformation: 7
Movement: 8
Rideability: 6
Type: 7
Overal Impression: 7
All in all
35 points
Rosa Roter Panther has no awards
Results in the register
Rosa Roter Panther is not registered at any association
Rosa Roter Panther reached 405 Tournament Points.
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