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vesländisches Pferderegister

Was soll das? Hier lesen!

U Pessimist

V-LN: 2622795 - V-ID: 16884
Swedish Warmblood Bay Sabino Hengst
167cm Stockmaß

Ist leider verstorben. Ruhe in Frieden.

Zum Original-Steckbrief
Geburtstag laut Register: 01.01.1970


Gezüchtet von
Utsikten (Thestral)

Ist im Besitz von
inaktiv Sandåker Gård (Thestral)

Optimist SUN
v-LN: 4118358
Chestnut Sabino Swedish Warmblood

Gardinal II
v-LN: 5958012
Fuchs Trakehner


Profile II

Kitty McNess SUN
v-LN: 9870313
Chestnut Swedish Warmblood



WPE Parmante
v-LN: 6252753
Chestnut Dutch Warmblood

The Lady Killer
v-LN: 6264546
Chestnut Dutch Warmblood



v-LN: 494728
Fuchs Dutch Warmblood

Renkum Arturo


Nachkommen im Register

Pessimist hat 8 Nachkommen
Name Geboren Rasse Geschlecht Farbe Mutter Besitzer
v-LN: 3587818 - v-ID: 95695
09.06.2015 Schwedisches Warmblut Hengst Dunkelfuchs W. Kansas City Kitty
v-LN: 240444 - v-ID: 10935
Charmante SAND
v-LN: 7487484 - v-ID: 156901
22.03.2014 Swedish Warmblood Stute Bay EH Sin City
v-LN: - v-ID: 156900
Clearview D
v-LN: 6012341 - v-ID: 156893
01.01.2013 Arabian Warmblood Stute Chestnut Sabino Dahabu Ciara
v-LN: 678804 - v-ID: 11173
Dahabu Arabians
Eventyrare SAND
v-LN: 8382413 - v-ID: 16882
01.01.1970 Swedish Warmblood Stute Gray Sabino Evlin SAND
v-LN: 3469830 - v-ID: 16880
Austen Estate
Hallon SAND
v-LN: 1360215 - v-ID: 111455
24.08.2019 Swedish Warmblood Stute Bay GNs Herbstrose
v-LN: 4631239 - v-ID: 111453
Cajun Cross Ranch
v-LN: 1279054 - v-ID: 156897
01.01.2013 Swedish Warmblood Stute Black Zayit
v-LN: 2240336 - v-ID: 160400
Starfire Inc
Pimpinell SAND
v-LN: 1673062 - v-ID: 62432
01.01.2020 Swedish Warmblood Stute Bay Sabino Svartbäcks Salvia
v-LN: 7513715 - v-ID: 67051
Sandåker Gård
Ekivok SAND
v-LN: 9896901 - v-ID: 110649
01.01.1970 Swedish Warmblood Wallach Evlin SAND
v-LN: 3469830 - v-ID: 16880
Stall Viktig

Mehr Informationen

Foal Inspection completed at SSI
08/10 Type
07/10 Frame
08/10 Conformation (Head, Neck, Saddle Position, Frame, Foreleg, Hindleg)
09/10 Movement
08/10 Overall Impression
Total: 40/50, First Premium

Stallion Inspection completed at Kvalitetsbedömning
Breed and gender type: 8/10 p.
Head, neck, body: 9/10 p.
Limbs and movement regularity: 8/10 p.
Movement mechanics (walk): 7/10 p.
Movement mechanics (trot): 8/10 p.
"Elegant, maskulin hingst. Uttrycksfullt huvud,
djup bog, långt kors. Lång och väl ansatt hals.
Lindrigt tåvid samt traktlåg runt om. Väl inskenad.
Regnr: KBDP 1053"
Result: 40/50 p.
Awarded Diplom by Sunstone at Kvalitetsbedömning

Stallion Inspection completed at SISF
Breed and gender type: 9/10 p.
Head, neck, body: 8/10 p.
Limbs and movement regularity: 8/10 p.
Movement mechanics (walk): 8/10 p.
Movement mechanics (trot): 8/10 p.
Result: 41/50 p.
Awarded Diplom by Vargafrost at SISFs Bedomningsstation

Stallion Inspection completed at SSI
09/10 Typiness/Masculinity
08/10 Conformation (Head, Neck, Saddle Position, Frame, Foreleg, Hindleg)
09/10 Correctness of Gaits
08/10 Presence
06/10 Freejumping
Total: 40/50, First Premium, Permanent Breeding License

ASDA Breeding Rated (Randomized)
Conformation & Presence: 5
Movement & Rhythym: 6
Ability & Rideability: 10
Breeding Suitability: 4
Overall Impression: 5

U Pessimist
Exteriör: Diplom
Egna meriter: 102 p
Antal avkommor: 8
Avkommors prestationer: 213 p

Resultat: A (315)
Utfärdat: 2021-03-16 på Eldusand

Performance Test completed at SSI 2014
-- Scores For The Day:
Overall: 83.38 || DR: 39.48 or 87.73% || JU: 19.90 or 79.60% || XC: 90.70 or 82.45%
-- His Scores:
Overall: 82.75/100 or 82.75% || DR: 40.75/45 or 90.56% || JU: 17.00/25 or 68.00% || XC: 85.78/110 or 77.98%

43.50/50 Training Director Scores:
4.75/5 Character
4.25/5 Temperament
4.00/5 Ability to Work
4.50/5 Willingness to Work
5.00/7.5 General Jumping Aptitude
6.00/7.5 Basic Gaits
-- 1.75/2.5 Walk
-- 2.25/2.5 Trot
-- 2.00/2.5 Canter
14.00/15 Rideability

39.25/50 Judges Scores:
14.50/15 Rideability
6.00/7.5 Freejumping
6.00/10 Jumping Under Saddle
6.25/7.5 Basic Gaits
-- 2.00/2.5 Walk
-- 2.00/2.5 Trot
-- 2.25/2.5 Canter
6.50/10 Cross Country
-- 3.50/5 Canter
-- 3.00/5 Jumping


U Pessimist wurde aufgrund von ASDA Erfolgen zur Zuchtbewertung zugelassen und am 16.08.2022 bewertet

Gebäude: 8
Bewegung: 5
Rittigkeit: 4
Typ: 8
Gesamteindruck: 6
In Summe 31 Punkte


Premium A 2021-03-16
SAI 2015 Warmblood Reserve Horse of the YearKeine Grafik 2015-12-31
ASDA 2014 September Horse of the MonthKeine Grafik 2014-09-30

Erfolge im Register

Pessimist startet international in folgenden associations:

ASDA Hall of Legends

8126 points ASEF
ASEF Silver Champion

435 points ASWA
ASWA State Champion

873 points
Pessimist erreichte 15 Turnierpunkte.

Platz Datum Ausschreibung Veranstaltung Turnierort Besitzer
2016-03-28 St. Georges Level Dressage Castrol March Extra Castrol Sporthorses Sandåker Gård
2016-03-24 Prix S:t Georges dressage Sandåkers Påsktävling Sandåker Gård Sandåker Gård
2016-03-24 S:t Georges dressage Sandåkers Påsktävling Sandåker Gård Sandåker Gård
Sandåker Gård
2016-03-16 Prix S:t Georges dressage (7 entries) Sandåkers Marstävling Sandåker Gård Sandåker Gård

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