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V-LN: 7777111 - V-ID: 5165
Westfale Brauner Mare

This horse is offline
Born on (according to registry): 01.01.1970



Ownership history

Is owned by
private owner


privates Zuchtpferd

privates Zuchtpferd

privates Zuchtpferd

privates Zuchtpferd

privates Zuchtpferd

privates Zuchtpferd


privates Zuchtpferd

privates Zuchtpferd

privates Zuchtpferd

privates Zuchtpferd

privates Zuchtpferd

privates Zuchtpferd

Offspring in this register

Daria has 6 Offspring
Name Birthed Breed Gender Color Sire Owner
Endspiel Mf
v-LN: 9799842 - v-ID: 58429
14.07.2020 Westfale Stallion Brauner Exakt Mf
v-LN: - v-ID: 134231
Gestüt Herradura
Grimaldi Mf
v-LN: 4230445 - v-ID: 19360
01.01.1970 Westfale Stallion Brauner Giorgio Blue
v-LN: 1437786 - v-ID: 3996
Gestüt Maienfeld
A.T. Sterntaler Dw
v-LN: 5072202 - v-ID: 6440
01.01.1970 Hannoveraner Stallion Rappe Schwalbenzauber
v-LN: 3400150 - v-ID: 1467
VRH Allertal
A.T. Touch of Destiny DC
v-LN: 3414420 - v-ID: 6439
01.01.1970 Hannoveraner Stallion Schimmel Touch of Classic
v-LN: 9823189 - v-ID: 4004
VRH Allertal
Dws Fabrina Mf
v-LN: 6612350 - v-ID: 3077
17.06.2010 Westfale Mare Dunkelbrauner Fascino Dw
v-LN: 1336679 - v-ID: 6239
Mws Sunset To Touch SD
v-LN: 3703215 - v-ID: 50979
04.04.2020 Westfale Mare Fuchs Sir Berlin SD
v-LN: 5236941 - v-ID: 3890
Whispering Hollow Stud

More information

Daria has no more information

Breeding Evaluation

Daria hasn't qualified for evaluation yet.


Daria has no awards

Results in the register

Daria is not registered at any association

Daria has not achieved any national results

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