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V-LN: 6176222 - V-ID: 6625
Vollblutaraber Dunkelbrauner Mare

This horse is offline
Born on (according to registry): 01.01.1970



Ownership history

Is owned by

Was owned by
1. Sternenpferde (URL) [bis 22.10.2020]

Falkenstein`s Kamiro ox

privates Zuchtpferd

privates Zuchtpferd

privates Zuchtpferd

privates Zuchtpferd

privates Zuchtpferd

privates Zuchtpferd

GITS Shetana ox

privates Zuchtpferd

privates Zuchtpferd

privates Zuchtpferd

privates Zuchtpferd

privates Zuchtpferd

privates Zuchtpferd

Offspring in this register

Kahire has 3 Offspring
Name Birthed Breed Gender Color Sire Owner
Eponas Nishaaj GN
v-LN: 3815612 - v-ID: 6624
01.01.1970 Pintabian Stallion Fuchsschecke Nishaat
v-LN: 4696698 - v-ID: 14374
Eponas Shetan ox
v-LN: 4335874 - v-ID: 43120
01.01.1970 Vollblutaraber Stallion Rappe Bayfyrre ox
v-LN: 8349919 - v-ID: 8849
v-LN: 5124513 - v-ID: 18685
01.01.2014 Shagya-Araber Gelding Brauner Eltaijn
v-LN: - v-ID: 25850
Sporthorses Thompson

More information

Kahire has no more information

Breeding Evaluation

Kahire hasn't qualified for evaluation yet.


Kahire has no awards

Results in the register

Kahire is not registered at any association

Kahire has not achieved any national results

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