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All horses

There are 57389 horses, spread over 1148 pages.
There are 50 horses per page, so it can take a while to load.
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Oh! By the way: you can sort the list by clicking on the headlines in the table. For example sort them by color or owner.
ID Name Color Breed Gender Sire Dam Owner
178893 Zimtschnecke
v-LN: 674894
Palomino Shetland Pony Stute Leopold Zimstange Gestüt Möhrental
160652 Zimtschokolade
v-LN: 4392513
Palomino Vesländer Reitpony Stute Schokoladentörtchen Zimtstern Reitponyzucht Klein
63127 Zimtstern
v-LN: 275083
Lichtfuchs Haflinger Stute Hugo Zicke Gutshof Erlengrund
143242 Zimtstern GM
v-LN: 3958990
Smoky Black Shetlandpony Stute Schwarzer Tee Zimtschnecke Hennys Ponyclub
66435 Rbs Zimtsternchen
v-LN: 6069347
Brauner Englisches Vollblut Stute Falling Riceballs xx Zumbarumba xx Nereus Riding Center
22897 Zina RHN
v-LN: 6892439
Rappe Friese Stute Zephyr Petra Gestüt Rheinau
103688 Zingarro da Névoa
v-LN: 900439
Smoky Black Puro Sangue Lusitano Hengst Avalach Charita Ribaneiro
188 LI Zinger
v-LN: 5948382
Schimmel Ägyptischer Vollblutaraber Hengst Galal Zebede G Singhafiyya Lithium Inc
103714 ZinGibera da Névoa
v-LN: 8676289
Buckskin Puro Sangue Lusitano Stute Illicit Qualidade Ribaneiro
189802 SPB Zinnia
v-LN: 5679307
Braun Vesländer Stute Kompagnon Zubrette Akazienhof
14896 Zinnsoldat Sw
v-LN: 4168665
Dunkelbrauner Englisches Vollblut Hengst Six Shots Two Guns Zarabi Sportpferde Winter
203014 Elds Zintoy
v-LN: 6453815
Palomino Shetland Pony Hengst Ninja-Timmy Zelda Eldritch Farm
97839 NRC Zion
v-LN: 4009493
Rappe friese Hengst Lutger Tyskje Starfire Inc
184685 Skaro Zion
v-LN: 2522762
black Oldenburg Hengst Zorin Cerisal Skaro Gård
107710 TQ Zip A Dee Doo Dah
v-LN: 4664033
Grey Overo Paint Horse Hengst Zip It Out I Spot A Country Chic Tanniques
68662 Zip Fly High OK
v-LN: 5329168
Chestnut Tovero Paint Horse Stute Ima Flying Zipper Dawn of Mankind Green Oak Stables
10131 Zip it Again
v-LN: 9352030
Dunskin Overo Paint Horse Hengst DunIt Again Zip N Off RZz Memorio
107994 TQ Zip It Out
v-LN: 8278777
Grey Overo Paint Horse Hengst Silver Zip Platinum Knockin It Out Tanniques
82645 Zip N Blue
v-LN: 8491211
Black Splash Paint Horse Stute Mister Luck Zip N Off Kaimel Stable
203128 Zip N Misteriffic E
v-LN: 3030546
Bay Quarter Horse Hengst Zip LeDoux Carmen Can E Starfire Inc
117432 TQ Zip N' Go
v-LN: 1864202
Grey Tobiano Paint Horse Stute Zip It Out Mak'N It Faster Tanniques
98291 OK Zip the Gun
v-LN: 3733181
Chestnut Splash Tovero Paint Horse Stute Ima Flying Zipper Gun Fight Oakfield Ranch
162725 Zipasaurous Rex
v-LN: 4012747
Schimmel Hannoveraner Hengst Zip Box Deadly Weapon Gutshof Erlengrund
155473 TQ ZIPcode
v-LN: 3270680
Palomino Tovero Paint Horse Stute Zip It Out Million Co-Games Tanniques
82225 Ziply Vested
v-LN: 7312067
Chestnut Quarter Horse Hengst Vested Pine Ziply Iresistable Kaimel Stable
83450 KS Zipped In Blue
v-LN: 9932047
Black Snowcap Appaloosa Hengst Letters Etched In Blue CT Zipped Sozz Kaimel Stable
96027 Zipped Sozz
v-LN: 4028299
Black Blanket Appaloosa Stute Tabasco Sozz Zipped Addiction Kaimel Stable
203121 Zippin Extreme K
v-LN: 4268123
Black Leopard Appaloosa Hengst Xtreme Dream Cant Touch My Zip Starfire Inc
152038 NRC Zippin Good Impression
v-LN: 9207866
Fuchs Varnish Roan Appaloosa Hengst Paid To Impress Zippy Stardust Nereus Riding Center
203117 Zippin Invite
v-LN: 1932503
Bay Tobiano Paint Horse Stute Special Invitation Zippins Royal Te Starfire Inc
13651 Zippin Minuet R
v-LN: 5766282
Schimmel Quarab Stute Zippo Notorious Minya Hofer Stables
203110 Zippin On Through
v-LN: 121184
Black Quarter Horse Hengst Blazin On Through Chocolate Zipper Starfire Inc
48947 BQ Zippin OnA Cloud
v-LN: 2184992
Black Blanket Appaloosa Hengst Zips Dust Cloud Bottoms Up Thriftwood Ranch
203103 Zippin Smooth K
v-LN: 8523490
Buckskin Tobiano Paint Horse Stute Zippin Invite Zippin Invite Starfire Inc
187363 Zippin Stylish Around HS
v-LN: 5013487
Bay Tovero Paint Horse Stute Ima Flying Zipper Styled In Chrome Hofer Stables
48950 SAI Zippin Temptation
v-LN: 7466839
Rappe Quarter Horse Hengst Zippos Mighty Temptation KC KQ Zippos Kate Southern Acres Inc
201688 ThR ZippinOnLazyClouds
v-LN: 5584936
Chestnut Overo American Paint Horse Stute HeadInTheClouds Miss Rockin Lazy Thriftwood Ranch
161094 TQ ZippityDo-Or-Don't
v-LN: 2739680
Bay Roan Overo Paint Horse Stute Works Of Art IGotTheZippityBlues Tanniques
157088 TQ ZippityRevolverBlues
v-LN: 1283989
Buckskin Roan Overo Paint Horse Hengst Spin A Revolver High IGotTheZippityBlues Tanniques
186071 SCN Zippo
v-LN: 5262128
Palomino tobiano Shetland pony Hengst Teddybjörn Madicken Stall Viktig
205765 CK Zippo Notorious
v-LN: 3965839
Grullo Quarter Horse Hengst Skippa Zippo CK Notriously More Mystic Visions Stables
115961 LI Zippo This Detail
v-LN: 3019682
Bay Quarter Horse Hengst WPE Protection Detail Zippo This Cowgirl Lithium Inc
3313 Zippo West Melody
v-LN: 433416
Braun Quarter Horse Stute Zippos West Bar Sundancer Melody Deckstation Golden Nugget
157085 TQ Zippo Zuccezz
v-LN: 732845
Bay Tobiano Paint Horse Hengst Only Jays Zippo Really Success Tanniques
69599 Zippo's Sun
v-LN: 4565778
Palomino Quarter Horse Stute Zippo Sunny Love Eichental
10167 Zippos Calling E
v-LN: 1629996
Black Tobinao Paint Horse Hengst Zips Painted Chip Called By Diversified Gestüt Rheinau
602 Zippos Dandy Girl
v-LN: 498248
Rappe Quarter Horse Stute Zippos Dandy Man Cowgirls Pride Gestüt Nereus
3269 Zippos Good Tucker TR GS
v-LN: 2086540
Chestnut Quarter Horse Hengst Zippos West Bar My Glory Lady FJG DS Lindenhof
48951 Zippos Mighty Temptation
v-LN: 2991208
Bay Quarter Horse Hengst Zips Chocolate Chip Tempting Pleasure Southern Acres Inc
203099 Zippos N Dreams
v-LN: 7884718
Bay Roan Few Spot Colorado Ranger Hengst PRR Razzmatazz KK The Dream Begins Starfire Inc

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