SchwerpunktunbekanntSportHunter Over FencesBesitzverlaufIst im Besitz vonKaimel Stable (Heather) |
Name | Geboren | Rasse | Geschlecht | Farbe | Mutter | Besitzer |
KS Rock Band v-LN: 7254542 - v-ID: 6120 | 14.10.2019 | Welsh Pony | Hengst | Palomino | Lil Lady v-LN: - v-ID: 117391 |
Kaimel Stable |
KS Bad Reputation v-LN: 9679663 - v-ID: 11612 | 17.10.2019 | Welsh B | Stute | Fuchs Roan | Fairly Notorious v-LN: 8105575 - v-ID: 95523 |
Elysian Fields |
KS Birds and Bees v-LN: 2953599 - v-ID: 174913 | unbekannt | Welsh Pony | Stute | Flaxen Chestnut | Fairly Notorious v-LN: 8105575 - v-ID: 95523 |
Starfire Inc |
KS Fairly Lovely v-LN: 8883347 - v-ID: 95524 | 30.01.2019 | Welsh Pony | Stute | Bay | Fairly Notorious v-LN: 8105575 - v-ID: 95523 |
Kaimel Stable |
KS Hugs and Kisses v-LN: 7010793 - v-ID: 95528 | 30.01.2019 | Welsh Pony | Stute | Chestnut Roan | Shamrock Ivy v-LN: 5279008 - v-ID: 108245 |
Kaimel Stable |