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Indigo Delight

V-LN: 9723822 - V-ID: 172257
Quarter Horse Blue Roan (E~Rn/e~n a/a) Mare
Extensive genetics: E~Rn/e~n a/a
152cm Height

Recorded as a sport horse

To the original profile
Born on (according to registry): 01.01.2011


Working Western


Working Western

Ownership history

Bred by
Nereus Riding Center (Nessa)

Is owned by
Nereus Riding Center (Nessa)

Indigo Devine
Blue Roan Quarter Horse

Smart Division

privates Zuchtpferd

privates Zuchtpferd

Devine Shine

privates Zuchtpferd

privates Zuchtpferd

A Sweet Delight
Fuchs Quarter Horse

Double Dancer

privates Zuchtpferd

privates Zuchtpferd

A Sweet Sensation

privates Zuchtpferd

privates Zuchtpferd

Offspring in this register

Indigo Delight has no offspring listed

More information

Indigo Delight has no more information

Breeding Evaluation

Indigo Delight was approved for evaluations because of ASSHA results and was evaluated on 07.11.2023

Conformation: 5
Movement: 7
Rideability: 6
Type: 9
Overal Impression: 7
All in all 34 points


Indigo Delight has no awards

Results in the register

Indigo Delight starts international in the following associations:
ASSHA Hall of Legends

2845 points
Indigo Delight reached 75 Tournament Points.

Rank Date Announcement Event Location Owner
2024-11-23 Working Cow Horse Senior 8yo+, 2. Abt. z a h r . W E S T E R N . m e e t i n g . II Eventzentrum Zahr Nereus Riding Center
Marcus Hommel
2024-11-23 Working Cow Horse Open, 1. Abt. z a h r . W E S T E R N . m e e t i n g . II Eventzentrum Zahr Nereus Riding Center
Marcus Hommel
2024-11-22 Stock Horse Stutenschau Runde 1 NCC Stolze Stuten 2024 (Stock Horses) Nereus Competition Corner Nereus Riding Center
Marcus Hommel
2024-11-15 Working Cowhorse Senior (ab 8 Jahre), Abteilung 1 Speed Up! Hofer Stables Nereus Riding Center
Marcus Hommel
2024-11-01 Working Cowhorse Senior - Abteilung 2 NCC All Saints Day Ranchhorse Fun Nereus Competition Corner Nereus Riding Center
Marcus Hommel
2024-10-23 Working Cowhorse Senior (ab 8 Jahre) - Abteilung 1 Strand-Westerntag Gutshof Erlengrund Nereus Riding Center
Marcus Hommel
2024-10-20 Working Cowhorse Senior (ab 8 Jahre) - Gruppe 1 Come on Cowboy Turnierstall Zille Nereus Riding Center
Marcus Hommel
2024-10-16 Working Cowhorse Senior (ab 8) - Abteilung 1 Stars of today Westernpferdezentrum Mayandor Nereus Riding Center
Marcus Hommel
2024-10-01 Working Cowhorse Open - Abteilung 1 NCC Tellmeaboutit Wunschturnier Western-Edition Nereus Competition Corner Nereus Riding Center
Marcus Hommel
2024-09-29 Working Cowhorse Open* - Abteilung 1 NCC Caymaro Old West Open Show Day II Nereus Competition Corner Nereus Riding Center
Marcus Hommel
2024-09-24 Working Cow Horse Senior 8yo+, 1. Abt. z a h r . W E S T E R N . m e e t i n g Eventzentrum Zahr Nereus Riding Center
Marcus Hommel
2024-09-24 Working Cow Horse Open, 2. Abt. z a h r . W E S T E R N . m e e t i n g Eventzentrum Zahr Nereus Riding Center
Marcus Hommel
2024-08-15 Working Cowhorse Senior (ab 8 Jahre), Abteilung 2 Speed Up! Hofer Stables Nereus Riding Center
Marcus Hommel
2024-07-30 Working Cowhorse Open, Abteilung 2 Rodeo Royale DS Lindenhof Nereus Riding Center
Marcus Hommel
2024-07-28 Working Cowhorse Senior - Abteilung 3 NCC A Trip to The Old West II Nereus Competition Corner Nereus Riding Center
Marcus Hommel
2024-07-28 Working Cowhorse Open - Abteilung 2 NCC A Trip to The Old West II Nereus Competition Corner Nereus Riding Center
Marcus Hommel
2024-07-21 Working Cowhorse Senior (ab 8 Jahre), Abteilung 1 Sommerfest 2024 - Westerntag Hofer Stables Nereus Riding Center
Marcus Hommel
2024-06-15 Working Cowhorse Senior - Abteilung 1 NCC A Trip to The Old West Nereus Competition Corner Nereus Riding Center
Marcus Hommel
2024-06-15 Steer Stopping Open NCC A Trip to The Old West Nereus Competition Corner Nereus Riding Center
Marcus Hommel
2024-06-15 Sorting Open NCC A Trip to The Old West Nereus Competition Corner Nereus Riding Center
Marcus Hommel
2024-06-13 Working Cowhorse Senior (ab 8 Jahre), Abteilung 2 Speed Up! Hofer Stables Nereus Riding Center
Marcus Hommel
2024-05-22 Working Cowhorse Senior (ab 8 Jahre) - Abteilung 1 Strand-Westerntag Gutshof Erlengrund Nereus Riding Center
Marcus Hommel
2024-04-23 Working Cowhorse Senior (ab 8) - Abteilung 1 Stars of today Westernpferdezentrum Mayandor Nereus Riding Center
Marcus Hommel
2024-04-21 Zuchtbewertung ältere Stuten Quarter Horse 9. VPR Zuchttag Horse Performance Center Nereus Riding Center
Marcus Hommel
2024-04-16 Working Cowhorse Senior (ab 8 Jahren), Abteilung 1 Westernturnier TS Ponyland Nereus Riding Center
Marcus Hommel
2024-04-12 Working Cowhorse Senior - Finale (ab 8 Jahren) 8. Westernmeisterschaft - Finale Hofer Stables Nereus Riding Center
Marcus Hommel
2024-04-11 Working Cowhorse Senior - 2. Qualifikation (ab 8 Jahren) 8. Westernmeisterschaft - 2. Qualifikation Hofer Stables Nereus Riding Center
Marcus Hommel
2024-04-04 Working Cowhorse Senior - 1. Qualifikation (ab 8 Jahren) 8. Westernmeisterschaft - 1. Qualifikation Hofer Stables Nereus Riding Center
Marcus Hommel
2024-03-25 Working Cowhorse Senior - Abteilung 2 NCC Caymaro Old West Cowhorse Show Nereus Competition Corner Nereus Riding Center
Marcus Hommel
2024-03-21 Working Cowhorse Open* - Abteilung 1 NCC Caymaro Old West Open Show Day Nereus Competition Corner Nereus Riding Center
Marcus Hommel
2024-03-07 Working Cowhorse Senior (ab 8 Jahre) - Abteilung 1 Strand-Westerntag Gutshof Erlengrund Nereus Riding Center
Marcus Hommel
2024-02-11 Working Cowhorse Senior (ab 8 Jahre) - Abteilung 1 Strand-Westerntag Gutshof Erlengrund Nereus Riding Center
Marcus Hommel
2024-01-31 Working Cowhorse Open - Abteilung 2 NCC Jahresauftakt Western Nereus Competition Corner Nereus Riding Center
Marcus Hommel
2024-01-25 Working Cowhorse Senior (ab 8 Jahre) - Abteilung 2 Strand-Westerntag Gutshof Erlengrund Nereus Riding Center
Marcus Hommel
2023-11-12 Cutting Senior (ab 8) - Abteilung 2 Stars of today Westernpferdezentrum Mayandor Nereus Riding Center
Marcus Hommel
2023-11-12 Working Cowhorse Senior (ab 8) Stars of today Westernpferdezentrum Mayandor Nereus Riding Center
Marcus Hommel
2023-09-29 Working Cowhorse Sr. NCC Let It Rein Again XXII Nereus Competition Corner Nereus Riding Center
Marcus Hommel
2023-09-29 Cutting Sr. - Abteilung 1 NCC Let It Rein Again XXII Nereus Competition Corner Nereus Riding Center
Marcus Hommel
2023-09-19 Working Cowhorse Sr. - Abteilung 3 NCC Let It Rein Again XXI Nereus Competition Corner Nereus Riding Center
Marcus Hommel
2023-09-19 Cutting Sr. - Abteilung 1 NCC Let It Rein Again XXI Nereus Competition Corner Nereus Riding Center
Marcus Hommel
73 / 01:04)
2023-09-08 Cutting Senior (ab 8 Jahre), Abteilung 1 Speed Up! Hofer Stables Nereus Riding Center
Marcus Hommel
2023-09-08 Working Cowhorse Senior (ab 8 Jahre), Abteilung 1 Speed Up! Hofer Stables Nereus Riding Center
Marcus Hommel
2023-08-25 Cutting Senior (ab 8 Jahre) - Abteilung 2 Strand-Westerntag Gutshof Erlengrund Nereus Riding Center
Marcus Hommel
2023-08-25 Working Cowhorse Senior (ab 8 Jahre) - Abteilung 2 Strand-Westerntag Gutshof Erlengrund Nereus Riding Center
Marcus Hommel
2023-08-18 Cutting Senior (ab 8) - Abteilung 1 Stars of today Westernpferdezentrum Mayandor Nereus Riding Center
Marcus Hommel
2023-08-18 Working Cowhorse Senior (ab 8) Stars of today Westernpferdezentrum Mayandor Nereus Riding Center
Marcus Hommel
73 / 01:13)
2023-08-11 Cutting Senior (ab 8 Jahre), Abteilung 1 Speed Up! Hofer Stables Nereus Riding Center
Marcus Hommel
2023-08-11 Working Cowhorse Senior (ab 8 Jahre), Abteilung 2 Speed Up! Hofer Stables Nereus Riding Center
Marcus Hommel
2023-08-04 Working Cowhorse Sr. - Abteilung 1 NCC Let It Rein Again XX Nereus Competition Corner Nereus Riding Center
Marcus Hommel
2023-08-04 Cutting Sr. - Abteilung 1 NCC Let It Rein Again XX Nereus Competition Corner Nereus Riding Center
Marcus Hommel
2023-08-01 Working Cowhorse Sr. - Abteilung 2 NCC Cowhorse Special Nereus Competition Corner Nereus Riding Center
Marcus Hommel
2023-08-01 Breakaway Roping NCC Cowhorse Special Nereus Competition Corner Nereus Riding Center
Marcus Hommel
2023-08-01 Dally Team Roping - Heeling NCC Cowhorse Special Nereus Competition Corner Nereus Riding Center
Marcus Hommel

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