SchwerpunktunbekanntSportDressageBesitzverlaufIst im Besitz von Utsikten (Thestral) |
Name | Geboren | Rasse | Geschlecht | Farbe | Vater | Besitzer |
U Kneazle v-LN: 8889725 - v-ID: 108918 | 03.08.2019 | Welsh Partbred Small | Hengst | Bay | U Kheelan v-LN: 9783335 - v-ID: 99525 |
Utsikten |
U Gaunt v-LN: 9919423 - v-ID: 99621 | 11.05.2019 | Welsh B Pony | Stute | Bay Sabino | EH Scandalous v-LN: - v-ID: 99617 |
Cajun Cross Ranch |
U Glaudusa v-LN: 396682 - v-ID: 186076 | unbekannt | Welsh Pony | Stute | Bay Sabino | U Notoriety v-LN: 2063215 - v-ID: 104932 |
Kaimel Stable |
U Grendel v-LN: 6005344 - v-ID: 22626 | 01.01.1970 | Welsh Partbred | Stute | Brauner | Cherokees Bounty Golden Beach v-LN: 5822560 - v-ID: 3187 |
Utsikten |
U GrubblyPlank v-LN: 3658936 - v-ID: 108232 | 22.07.2019 | Welsh Pony | Stute | Bay Roan | KS Luck of the Irish v-LN: - v-ID: 108231 |
Utsikten |
U Gwlithen v-LN: 7401080 - v-ID: 108219 | 20.07.2019 | Welsh Pony | Stute | Bay | Colorblind v-LN: 4935028 - v-ID: 99664 |
Utsikten |
U Neville v-LN: 1464854 - v-ID: 11722 | 23.10.2019 | Welsh Pony | Wallach | Black | U Notoriety v-LN: 2063215 - v-ID: 104932 |
Utsikten |
Utsiktens Tardis v-LN: 7017922 - v-ID: 45172 | 20.02.2020 | Swedish Riding Pony | Wallach | Chestnut | U Sune v-LN: 543443 - v-ID: 108899 |
Wizzla |
2021-03-10 Eldusand | 346 p |