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V-LN: 7362468 - V-ID: 3599
Haflinger Lichtfuchs Mare

This horse is offline
Born on (according to registry): 01.01.1970



Ownership history

Is owned by
private owner

liz. Starobin

privates Zuchtpferd

privates Zuchtpferd

privates Zuchtpferd

privates Zuchtpferd

privates Zuchtpferd

privates Zuchtpferd


privates Zuchtpferd

privates Zuchtpferd

privates Zuchtpferd

privates Zuchtpferd

privates Zuchtpferd

privates Zuchtpferd

Offspring in this register

Sternentanz has 2 Offspring
Name Birthed Breed Gender Color Sire Owner
FJG Morgenlicht
v-LN: 9633476 - v-ID: 3597
01.01.1970 Haflinger Stallion Lichtfuchs Morgenrot
v-LN: 2843311 - v-ID: 8168
RZz Memorio
FJG Sternenwandlerin
v-LN: 5099662 - v-ID: 14254
01.01.1970 Haflinger Mare Lichtfuchs Stolz
v-LN: 8162846 - v-ID: 3712
Reitstall Elwen

More information

Sternentanz has no more information

Breeding Evaluation

Sternentanz hasn't qualified for evaluation yet.


Sternentanz has no awards

Results in the register

Sternentanz is not registered at any association

Sternentanz reached 9 Tournament Points.

Rank Date Announcement Event Location Owner
2014-01-26 Einspänner Dressur A, Abteilung 2 Kleemanns Große Turnierwoche Tag 7 Turnierstall Kleemann Ponyzucht Smaho
Anja Smaho
2013-09-25 Körbe werfen, 2. Abteilung Spiel des Lebens VRH-Treff Ponyzucht Smaho
Moritz Smaho

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