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S Jane Doe

V-LN: 7198974 - V-ID: 83702
Quarter Horse Palomino (eeAAnCr) Mare
155cm Height

Recorded as a sport horse

To the original profile
Born on (according to registry): 26.09.2018




Reined Cowhorse

Ownership history

Bred by
Cajun Cross Ranch (Tessa)

Is owned by
Gestüt Rheinau (Baronesse)

S Impersonator
Buckskin Roan Quarter Horse


privates Zuchtpferd

privates Zuchtpferd

Hollywoods Shining Star

privates Zuchtpferd

privates Zuchtpferd

S French Stars
Cremello Quarter Horse

French Oro

privates Zuchtpferd

privates Zuchtpferd

Hollywoods Shining Star

privates Zuchtpferd

privates Zuchtpferd

Offspring in this register

Jane Doe has no offspring listed

More information

Jane Doe has no more information

Breeding Evaluation

S Jane Doe was approved for evaluations because of ASSHA results and was evaluated on 12.06.2024

Conformation: 8
Movement: 10
Rideability: 7
Type: 8
Overal Impression: 8
All in all 41 points (Premium)


Jane Doe has no awards

Results in the register

Jane Doe starts international in the following associations:
ASSHA Hall of Legends

2235 points
Jane Doe reached 9 Tournament Points.

Rank Date Announcement Event Location Owner
2024-10-13 Zuchtbewertung ältere Stuten Quarter Horse 10. VPR Zuchttag Horse Performance Center Gestüt Rheinau
Selina Woidtke
2019-04-06 Working Cow Horse Senior (ab 8 Jahre) Loarbach goes wild west Turnierstall Loarbach Gestüt Rheinau
Selina Woidtke
2019-03-03 Working/Reined Cow Horse - Gruppe 2 Go to Wildwest Turnierstall Zille Gestüt Rheinau
Selina Woidke

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