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U Donlight

V-LN: 5412164 - V-ID: 106316
Connemara Pony Buckskin (Ee AA nCr) Ori
143cm Korkea

Valitettavasti lopetettu. Lepää rauhassa.

Hevosen nettisivut
Syntynyt (rekisterin mukaan):02.07.2019




Utsikten (Thestral)

Nykyinen omistaja
Utsikten (Thestral)

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Don Aengus

Inver Colleen

Idholmens Lily
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Carna Dun

Washington Ocean Swell

Rekisteröidyt jälkeläiset

Donlight on 9 Jälkeläiset
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ASEF 2016 Top Ten Schooling Jumper 2ft3 of the Year
ASEF 2016 Top Ten Four & Up Pony Stallions of the Year


Stallion Inspection completed at SAND 2016
Breed and gender type: 9/10 p.
Head, neck, body: 8/10 p.
Limbs and movement regularity: 8/10 p.
Movement mechanics (walk): 7/10 p.
Movement mechanics (trot): 8/10 p.

Result: 40/50 p.
Awarded Diplom at SAND Inspections


SAND 2016 Quality Test for Ponies
Awarded: Promising Allround Pony (8)
* Exterior
-- Typiness: 9 p
-- Head, neck, body: 8 p
-- Limbs and movement regularity: 8 p
-- Movement mechanics, walk: 7.5 p
-- Movement mechanics, trot: 8 p
* Free jumping
-- Technique and ability: 7.5 p
-- Temperament: 8 p
* Correctness of gaits, under saddle
-- Walk: 8 p
-- Trot: 9 p
-- Canter: 8 p
-- Temperament: 8 p


SAND 2016 Quality Test for Ponies
Awarded: Promising Dressage Pony (8.21)
Promising Jumper (8.1)
* Exterior
-- Typiness: 9 p
-- Head, neck, body: 8 p
-- Limbs and movement regularity: 9 p
-- Movement mechanics, walk: 8 p
-- Movement mechanics, trot: 8 p
* Free jumping
-- Technique and ability: 8 p
-- Temperament: 8 p
* Correctness of gaits, under saddle
-- Walk: 8 p
-- Trot: 9 p
-- Canter: 8 p
-- Temperament: 8 p


U Donlight ei ole vielä täyttänyt kriteerejä arviointia varten.


Årets Connemaraponny 2020 2021-03-16
Årets Ponny 2019Keine Grafik 2019-12-31
ELIT 2020-03-10
SLFs Septemberponny 2019Keine Grafik 2019-09-30
SVHs Legend 2020-03-19

Tulokset rekisterissä

Donlight aloittaa kansainvälisesti seuraavissa yhdistyksissä:
ASEF Diamond Champion

1682 points
Donlight ei ole saavuttanut kansallisia tuloksia

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