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Fleygur från Eldhof

V-LN: 4548518 - V-ID: 86506
Icelandic Horse Bay (Ee/Aa) Stallion
140cm Height

Recorded as a breeding horse

To the original profile
Born on (according to registry): 01.01.1970




Five Gaited

Ownership history

Bred by
Eldhof (Vargafrost)

Is owned by
inactiv Eldhof (Vargafrost)

Fáfnir från Eldhof
v-LN: 4727933
Chestnut splashed white Icelandic Horse

Fylkir frá Eldur
v-LN: 7754140
Dark Chestnut Icelandic Horse

Freyr frá Nordal
v-LN: 9198855
Chestnut Icelandic Horse

Skjóðá frá Kona-Namea
v-LN: 9337133
Fuchs Isländer

Glirna från Eldhof
v-LN: 2325875
Palomino Icelandic Horse

Þjálfi frá Köldukinn
v-LN: 7728813
Cremello Icelandic Horse

Gná från Eldhof
v-LN: 9836589
Black Dun Icelandic Horse

Hrefna från Eldhof
Bay Icelandic Horse

Týr frá Ljóma

privates Zuchtpferd

privates Zuchtpferd

Mysla frá Gremja

privates Zuchtpferd

privates Zuchtpferd

Offspring in this register

Fleygur has no offspring listed

More information

Fleygur has no more information

Breeding Evaluation

Fleygur från Eldhof hasn't qualified for evaluation yet.


Fleygur has no awards

Results in the register

Fleygur is not registered at any association

Fleygur has not achieved any national results

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