Was soll das? Hier lesen!

Shantou von Waagendorf

V-LN: 3263129 - V-ID: 207597
Westphalian Seal Brown (Ee Ata nSty) Mare
168cm Height

Recorded as a sport horse

To the original profile
Born on (according to registry): 06.12.2024





Ownership history

Bred by
Waagendorf (Color)

Is owned by
Waagendorf (Color)

Salinero FW
v-LN: 7946838
Dunkelbrauner Westfale

Sikus Sylvestris DH
v-LN: 5032480
Dunkelbraun Westfale

Sikus Sabianco GS
v-LN: 2825181
Dunkelbrauner Westfale

DFs Save The Last Dance
v-LN: 5070002
Rappe Rheinländer

Sweet Violet W
v-LN: 2153954
Braun Westfale

GS's Salvatore
v-LN: 5218167
Brauner Oldenburger

RGE Valesca
v-LN: 8571429
Braun Westfale

Forstweihe von Waagendorf
v-LN: 8920578
Seal Brown Westphalian

RGE Duellant RS
v-LN: 9255292
Brauner Westfale

RGE Desmond
v-LN: 1135075
Dunkelbrauner Hannoveraner

BLs Concordia
v-LN: 2153849
Dunkelbrauner Württemberger

Remember me of Lovesongs RA
v-LN: 3588431
Rappe Westfale

RGE Ramazotti
v-LN: 9632218
Rappe Westfale

GNs Fadivana MW
v-LN: 6854629
Fuchs Hannoveraner

Offspring in this register

Shantou has no offspring listed

More information

Shantou has no more information

Breeding Evaluation

Shantou von Waagendorf hasn't qualified for evaluation yet.


Shantou has no awards

Results in the register

Shantou is not registered at any association

Shantou has not achieved any national results

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